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  • 6band
    Describe something you often do when you are not working or studying. v. 1
    Describe something you often do when you are not working or studying. You should say: what you do where you do it who you do it with and explain why you do it. Model Answer: I often browse the social networking website Facebook and write for my blog when I do not have studies, approaching exams or ...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about a new sport or hobby you would like to take up. v. 1
    Talk about a new sport or hobby you would like to take up. You should say: what is it how would you start it why you have not started it yet and explain why you want to start it. Model Answer: If I get the chance and nothing unusual happens, I would like to start playing basketball soon. This is a ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an exciting news that you heard (either through the phone or e-mail). v. 1
    Describe an exciting news that you heard (either through the phone or e-mail). You should say: What is was about Who gave this news When you got this news and explain why this was an exciting news to you. Model Answer: The exciting news that I heard over the phone was the birth news of my nephew. M...
  • 6band
    Describe a famous food from your hometown or country. v. 1
    Describe a famous food from your hometown or country. You should say: what it is what it tastes like how it is prepared and explain why this is famous food. Model Answer: Handmade custard is a very popular and tasty food item in my hometown. In fact, the custard of my hometown is popular that, peop...
  • 5.5band
    Describe how you met your best friend. v. 1
    Describe how you met your best friend. You should say: Who is s/he How & where you two met What things you did together and give details on how you two met. Model Answer: I met my best Friend Raz when I was only 10 years old and that was in a family program which was short of a small birthday c...
  • 5.5band
    Describe your favourite news source. v. 1
    Describe your favourite news source. You should say: how often you use it what types of news you are interested in what other sources you use and explain why this is your favourite news source. Model Answer: The daily newspaper is my favourite news source and I read newspapers daily. In the morning...
  • 6band
    Talk about a friend of yours who had to make a difficult decision. v. 1
    Talk about a friend of yours who had to make a difficult decision. You should say: What was the decision about? Why did your friend have to decide? What did your friend decide? And explain why you consider it as a difficult decision. Model Answer: My close friend Mark (. . . or say a name. . . ) ma...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a way to relax that you find effective. v. 1
    Describe a way to relax that you find effective. You should say: what you do where & when you usually do this who you usually do it with and explain why this is relaxing for you. Model Answer: Listening to my favourite music is very relaxing to me and I feel refreshed and energetic with this ac...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now. v. 1
    Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now. You should say: what sort of exercise it was how long you did it why you stopped And say if you would like to do it again or not. why? Sample Answer 1: Ooh, it’s really fun to think about what to talk about for this topic!   I can t...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a foreign musical festival that you enjoyed. v. 1
    Describe a foreign musical festival that you enjoyed. You should say: When you enjoyed it Where you enjoyed it Who was there with you And explain why you enjoyed it. Model Answer: During my visit the United Kingdom (. . . or say a country name you prefer…) I attended a musical festival there that I...
  • 6band
    Describe an important letter you wrote to someone. v. 1
    Describe an important letter you wrote to someone. You should say: When you wrote it Whom you wrote it to What it was about And explain why it was an important letter. Model Answer: One of the very important letters that I ever wrote was the one I wrote to the councillor of our city corporation. As...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a family business you know about. v. 1
    Describe a family business you know about. You should say: What type of business it is. Who own this business. What activities are involved in this business And explain your idea of this business. Model Answer: The family business I know and would like to talk about is owned by a joint family in ou...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a song that you like. v. 1
    Describe a song that you like. You should say: What is it. How often you hear it. What types of people listen to it. and explain why you like this song. Model Answer: The national anthem is a song that I really like with all of my heart and soul. I often hear this song and as it is our national ant...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a house that you liked while visiting. v. 1
    Describe a house that you liked while visiting. You should say: Where it was When you went there How it looked like and explain why you liked this house. Model Answer: I went to visit Ireland (…or say a different country/ city name…) after the completion of my first semester. This would probably be...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a school that you went to when you were a child. v. 1
    Describe a school that you went to when you were a child. You should say: where the school was when you went there what the school and the teachers were like and explain whether you enjoyed your time there. Model Answer: (…say your elementary/ primary school name…) was the first school I went to an...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a study tour or excursion you had. v. 1
    Describe a study tour or excursion you had. You should say: When it was When you went How you reached there And explain why you enjoyed it. Model Answer: We went to visit Mount Everest a few years back as part of the study tour arranged by our college. It was the year 2011 and I was in the second y...
  • 6band
    Describe a course you took in your college or university. v. 1
    Describe a course you took in your college or university. You should say: What it was When you took it What you learned from this course And explain why you took this course. Model Answer: ‘Book Keeping & Banking’ was one of the most interesting courses I took in my university level and I thoro...
  • 5.5band
    Describe your favourite actor. v. 1
    Describe your favourite actor. You should say: Who is he What type of actor he is What are some programs/ movies he acted in And describe why he is your favourite actor. Model Answer: Brad Pitt is one of my very favourite actors and I am a huge fan of his movies. He is a famous Hollywood actor and ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a time when someone helped you. v. 1
    Describe a time when someone helped you. You should say: Who helped you When it was Why s/he helped you And describe how you felt about it. Model Answer: In my life, I got numerous help and useful advice and I am really grateful to the Almighty for that. Among those, one of the important help I got...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a journey to a place that you would like to take. v. 1
    Describe a journey to a place that you would like to take. You should say: where the place is what type of transport you would choose what the purpose of your journey is and give details of your plan of the journey. Model Answer: Whenever the time allows I would like to visit my grandparent’s house...