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  • 5.5band
    Describe an important message you have ever received. v. 1
    Describe an important message you have ever received. You should say: when you received this message who sent it to you what was the content of the message and explain why it was so important to you.   Model Answer 1: We are constantly being bombarded with different kinds of messages in the form of...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an important email you have received. v. 1
    Describe an important email you have received. You should say: who sent it to you when you received it what was the email about and explain why this email was important to you.   Model Answer 1: In an age of internet and information, it is only expected that we receive different kinds of messages/e...
  • 6band
    Describe something you want to do in the future. v. 1
    Describe something you want to do in the future. You should say: what is it when you want to do it how you want to achieve it and explain why you want to do it.   Model Answer 1: There are so many things in life to do and see except, of course, the problem is that we just don’t have “unlimited” tim...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced your academic life or studies. v. 1
    Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced your academic life or studies. You should say: who the teacher is/was what subject he/she taught how he/she taught the students and explain why this teacher has influenced your academic life/studies so much.   Model Answer 1: When I was growing up as a ...
  • 6band
    Describe an interesting news story that you watched on TV. v. 1
    Describe an interesting news story that you watched on TV. You should say: what the news story was which channel showed it when you watched it and explain why the news story was interesting.   Model Answer 1: I am always on the lookout for the interesting news story on TV except, of course, they do...
  • 6band
    Describe a famous person you would like to meet. v. 2
    Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: who this person is why you want to meet this person why this person is famous and explain what you would do if you meet him/her.   Model Answer 1: Since my early childhood, I have loved playing football. So, it was quite natural for m...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a special toy you had in your childhood. v. 1
    Describe a special toy you had in your childhood. You should say: what it was who gave it to you what it looked like and explain why it was a special toy for you.   Model Answer 1: If I remember correctly, in my early days as a child, I wasn’t exactly that much interested in playing with toys. Rath...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a building or construction you saw and which impressed you. v. 1
    Describe a building or construction you saw and which impressed you. You should say: where it was what is looked like when you saw it and explain why it impressed you.   Model Answer 1: I have had the opportunity to see several impressive buildings in the different cities of my country. But, they l...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a wild animal from your country. v. 1
    Describe a wild animal from your country. You should say:  what the animal is  what it looks like  where it lives and explain how you feel about this animal.   Model Answer 1: Living in a country like Bangladesh, when thinking about a wild animal, the name of the mighty royal Bengal tiger unmistaka...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a piece of equipment or tool you often use at home. v. 1
    Describe a piece of equipment or tool you often use at home. You should say: what is it how you use it why it is important to you and explain how this piece of equipment works.   Model Answer 1: Carrying a knife has been a time-honoured tradition for men throughout history. The Romans' invention of...
  • 6band
    Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live. v. 1
    Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live. You should say: what the problem is what causes it what people feel about the problem and explain what you think could be done to solve it.   Model Answer 1: Environmental problem is a very big issue in today’s world these ...
  • 6band
    Describe an aspect of a foreign culture you like. v. 1
    Describe an aspect of a foreign culture you like. You should say: what it is how you know about it what differences there are between that aspect of culture and your own and explain why you like that aspect of that foreign culture.   Model Answer 1: Japan has a distinct, fascinating culture, both m...
  • 6band
    Describe an important event in global history. v. 1
    Describe an important event in global history. You should say: when it happened what the event was what effect you think this event had  and explain why it is an important event in history.   Model Answer 1: Realistically speaking, each and every event, be it small or big, affects the course of his...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a piece of furniture you own or you have at your home. v. 1
    Describe a piece of furniture you own or you have at your home. You should say: what it is where you bought it from how useful it is and explain why you like to use this piece of furniture.   Model Answer 1: If we come to think of it, we actually need a lot of things to make our house look beautifu...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a plant grown in your country. v. 1
    Describe a plant grown in your country. You should say: what the plant is where it is grown why you like or dislike it and explain why this is an important plant.   Model Answer 1: My country has rather a fertile land, so, naturally different kinds of plants are easily grown on its soil. Needless t...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know. v. 1
    Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know. You should say: who the person was where the conversation took place what you talked about and explain whether the conversation was interesting or not.   Model Answer 1: I try to stick with the same barber shop in order to ...
  • 6band
    Describe an occasion when someone visited your home. v. 1
    Describe an occasion when someone visited your home. You should say: who the person was what the occasion was what you did for the occasion and the visitor and explain how you felt about this.   Model Answer 1: A few months ago, one of my maternal uncles visited our home (home of my family that is)...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an old object which your family has kept for a long time. v. 1
    Describe an old object which your family has kept for a long time. You should say: what the object is where your family got it from how long it has been in your family and explain why your family has kept this old object for a long time.   Model Answer 1: There usually are so many objects in a hous...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a book you have recently read. v. 2
    Describe a book you have recently read. You should say: what the book is who wrote the book what the book is about and explain how much you enjoyed reading this book.   Model Answer 1: I would like to believe that there are few educated people today who don’t know A. P. J Abdul Kalam as one of the ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an adventurous person whom you know. v. 1
    Describe an adventurous person whom you know. You should say: who this person is how you know him/her what he/she does and explain why you think he/she is an adventurous person.   Model Answer 1: There are many different types of people around us. While some of them are just simple and laidback typ...