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  • 5.5band
    Talk about a book you have at home. v. 1
    Talk about a book you have at home. You should say: - What it looks like - What the topic of the book is - Where you got the book from and explain why you have kept at home. Sample Answer: I have a good collection of books in my living room and the number would approximately more than 1000. I got...
  • 5.5band
    Describe the happiest person you know. v. 1
    Describe the happiest person you know. You should say: who this person is how you know this person how he shows happiness and explain why you consider him/ her to be the happiest person you know. Sample Answer: Happiness is hard to define and so does the happiest man. Sometimes the people we think ...
  • 6band
    Talk about a character from a movie or TV serial. v. 1
    Talk about a character from a movie or TV serial. You should say:     Who is he/ she     What part he/she had in the movie / TV serial     How s/he acted  and explain why you admire this character in the movie or TV serial. Sample Answer: ’Vito Corleone’ the legendary character created by the accla...
  • 5.5band
    Describe what you like to wear on special occasions. v. 1
    Describe what you like to wear on special occasions. You should say: What is it On what occasion you wear this Do other people wear the same dress on special occasions? and explain why do you like to wear this dress. Sample Answer: The type of dress I wear on special occasions mostly depends on the...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an animal that lives in the water. v. 1
    Describe an animal that lives in the water. You should say: What is it How you know about it Is it common in your country and describe the animal.   Sample Answer: Whale is an animal that lives in the water and it is the largest animal among the living creatures in the world. The whales usually inh...
  • 6band
    Describe your favourite way to communicate someone. v. 1
    Describe your favourite way to communicate someone. You should say: What it is How you use it to communicate others How long you own it and explain why you prefer to use this way to communicate others. Sample Answer: We usually communicate others in several ways and these communication ways differ ...
  • 6band
    Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home. v. 1
    Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home. You should say: what is it how you know about it how much it would cost you and explain why you want to have it in your home. Sample Answer: ‘The Creation of Adam’ painted by Michelangelo is the painting that I would like to have in my hous...
  • 6.5band
    Talk about a holiday or vacation you spent with a group of other people. v. 1
    Talk about a holiday or vacation you spent with a group of other people. You should say: When you had it Where you went What you did and explain how you felt about having the vacation with those people. ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a decision that took you long to make. v. 1
    Describe a decision that took you long to make. You should say: What was it When you had to take it Why it took you so long and explain how you felt after you took your decision. Sample Answer: After finishing my graduation, I applied for few jobs and luckily I was offered a job in a large company....
  • 5.5band
    Describe a poisonous plant you know about. v. 1
    Describe a poisonous plant you know about. You should say: what it is where this plant is found advantages and disadvantages of this plant and explain how you know about it. Sample Answer 1: Angels trumpet, more specifically Brugmansia, is a poisonous plant which is available in our country and I h...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a successful businessman you know. v. 1
    Describe a successful businessman you know. You should say: who is the person how you know this person how s/he became successful and explain why you consider him/her as a successful business person. Sample Answer: Mr. Alex Smith (…or say a name you prefer…) is a successful businessman I know about...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a skill you want to learn. v. 1
    Describe a skill you want to learn. You should say:     What it is     Why you think it is important     How you are going to learn it and explain why you want to learn this skill. Sample Answer: If I ever get the chance to learn a new skill, I would like to learn karate which is a form of martial ...
  • 6band
    Describe a kind of book you enjoy reading. v. 1
    Describe a kind of book you enjoy reading. You should say:  what kind/genre of books you like to read  what these books are about  what effects these books have brought on you and explain why you enjoy reading this kind of book.   Model Answer 1: I like to read all kinds of books because they all t...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a person with whom you like to work or study. v. 1
    Describe a person with whom you like to work or study. You should say:  who this person is  where you work/study together  what you often do together and explain why you like so much to work/study with him/her.   Model Answer 1: I have been lucky to work with a number of great and brilliant co-work...
  • 6band
    Describe an important decision that you might have to make in the future. v. 1
    Describe an important decision that you might have to make in the future. You should say: what the decision will be about how you will make your decision what the results of this decision are likely to be and explain why it will be an important decision.   Model Answer 1: Life is all about adaptati...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a musical instrument you would like to be able to play. v. 1
    Describe a musical instrument you would like to be able to play. You should say: what type of musical instrument it is what it sounds and looks like what kinds of people/musicians it is popular with and explain why you want to be able to play this musical instrument.   Model Answer 1: I have always...
  • 6band
    Describe your favourite song or piece of music. v. 1
    Describe your favourite song or piece of music. You should say: what kind of music it is where you usually listen to it what kind of mood this music puts you in and explain why this is your favourite song or piece of music.   Sample Answer 1: The song 'High Hopes' sung by David Gilmour of Pink Floy...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a hobby that one of your friends has. v. 1
    Describe a hobby that one of your friends has. You should say: what hobby it is which friend of yours has this hobby what this friend does for it and explain whether this is a good or bad hobby in your opinion.   Model Answer 1: I have many friends who have different kinds of hobbies. Of course, it...
  • 5.5band
    Describe something that makes you excited and happy. v. 1
    Describe something that makes you excited and happy. You should say: what it is how you feel excited and happy about it how often you do it and explain why this makes you excited and happy.   Model Answer 1: I am actually a simple guy, so it doesn’t really take much for me to feel happy or excited ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe something you like doing during the winter. v. 1
    Describe something you like doing during the winter. You should say: what it is when and where you usually do it who you usually have with you and explain why you do this activity during the winter.   Model Answer 1: I live in a beautiful country which takes different looks in different seasons jus...