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  • 5.5band
    Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about. v. 1
    Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about. You should say: what it looks like who worked there how you know about it and explain if this is a good working environment or not. Model Answer: I am yet to finish my graduation and that’s why I am not engaged in any full-time job. However, I ...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about a short term goal or ambition you have. v. 1
    Talk about a short term goal or ambition you have. You should say: what is it how long you have it how difficult it would be to have it fulfilled and explain what you need to do to achieve it. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you'...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. v. 1
    Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say: who was he/she how you two met how long you two have known each other and explain what important part he/she has played in your life.   Model Answer 1: Somewhere I heard or read that walking with a friend in the dark is...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a song that you remember from your childhood. v. 1
    Describe a song that you remember from your childhood. You should say: what song it is when you heard it who sang this song to you and explain why you still remember this song.   Model Answer 1: Bringing back childhood memories is probably one of the sweetest things in our life as an adult. I also h...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a foreign food you would like to try. v. 1
    Describe a foreign food you would like to try. You should say: what it is how you know about this food where it is mostly prepared and consumed and explain why you want to try this foreign food.   Model Answer 1: The idea of trying different kinds of food from different continents or cultures has fa...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an idea you have for improving something at work or college. v. 1
    Describe an idea you have for improving something at work or college. You should say: what is it about where you have got the idea how difficult it would be to implement the idea and explain why you think this would improve the workplace or college. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a children's park you have visited recently. v. 1
    Describe a children's park you have visited recently. You should say: When you went there Who was with you What you did there and explain why you went to visit this children's park. Model Answer: Last month I visited a children’s park in our area with my 8 year's old nephew. He was getting bored at...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about one of your birthdays you remember well. v. 1
    Talk about one of your birthdays you remember well. You should say: how old you were how you celebrated this birthday what you did and explain why you remember this birthday so well. Model Answer: I have recently turned to 25 and last year my family and friends arranged a birthday that became a rem...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about an important day in your life. v. 1
    Talk about an important day in your life. You should say: when was it what happened in this day was it a positive or negative day for you and explain why this was an important day for you. Model Answer 1: My first day at my university is an important day for me. That was so much enchanting and insp...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a place where your parents took you to. v. 1
    Describe a place where your parents took you to. You should say: Where your parents took you How old you were then How you went there and explain whether you enjoyed it or not. Model Answer: When I was 17 years old, my parents took me to a relative’s house and I learned that this was a particular r...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a long distance journey you have been on. v. 1
    Describe a long distance journey you have been on. You should say: when you took this journey where you went what kind of transportation you used and explain what happened in this journey. Model Answer: I visited India 2/3 years back and at that time I took a journey from Kolkata to New Delhi and t...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a historical figure who you know about. v. 1
    Describe a historical figure who you know about. You should say: Who is s/he How s/he is famous Where & when s/he lived and explain his/ her contribution to the world. Model Answer: Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most significant persons in world history and he is often considered as the most ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an interesting person you have met recently. v. 1
    Describe an interesting person you have met recently. You should say: who is s/he what s/he does how you met him/ her and explain why s/he is interesting. Model Answer: Mr. Robert Neil (. . or say a name you like. . . ) is an interesting person whom I met a few months ago. He lives a few blocks awa...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a neighbour who helps other people. v. 1
    Describe a neighbour who helps other people. You should say: who is s/he how you know him/ her how often you meet and explain how this neighbour helps other. Model Answer: I live in a metropolitan city where people mostly lead a busy life. We do not know all the neighbours in our locality and yet I...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a family photograph you remember. v. 1
    Describe a family photograph you remember. You should say: When it was taken who were in the picture when it was taken and explain why you remember this family photograph. Model Answer: The family photograph that I really like and remember well is the one which was taken almost 20 years ago. This p...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an event that changed your life for the better. v. 1
    Describe an event that changed your life for the better. You should say: what was the event what happened when it happened and explain how it changed your life for better. Model Answer: In our lives, we learn everyday knowingly or unknowingly. What we do now shapes our future and every event has it...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a song that has a special meaning to you. v. 1
    Describe a song that has a special meaning to you. You should say: what is it about who is the singer of this song when you first heard it and explain why this song has a special meaning to you. Model Answer: The song ‘Return to Innocence’ by music band ‘Enigma’ is one of my all time favourite song...
  • 5.5band
    Talk about a recent change in your life. v. 1
    Talk about a recent change in your life. You should say: what was it what was the reason for this change was it a positive or negative change for you and explain what happened after this change. Model Answer: I have completed my graduation only a few months ago and within the three months of my dep...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a good neighbour of yours. v. 1
    Describe a good neighbour of yours. You should say: who is s/he how long s/he is your neighbour what sort of person s/he is and explain why you think him/her to be a good neighbour. Model Answer: I live in a beautiful and peaceful are and most of my neighbours are kind, benevolent and well-mannered...
  • 5.5band
    Describe your favourite part of the day. v. 1
    Describe your favourite part of the day. You should say: when it is what you do then how long this part of a day lasts and explain why this is your favourite part of the day. Model Answer: Early morning is my favourite part of the day. Though I do not get up early every day, I love the morning time...