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  • 5.5band
    Describe an interesting person you know. v. 1
    Describe an interesting person you know. You should say: what sort of person s/he is how you first met him/her what s/he does for the living and explain why you think this person is interesting. Sample Answer 1: Wow, this topic is tough!   Not because I don’t know anyone interesting enough, quite t...
  • 6band
    Describe a news story you have read or heard about recently. v. 1
    Describe a news story you have read or heard about recently. You should say: what it was about when you heard / read it what you thought about the news story and explain why you remember this news story. Sample Answer 1: This is a really nice topic and I would love to talk about a news story I read...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a skill you have learned that you think is very useful. v. 1
    Describe a skill you have learned that you think is very useful. You should say: what it is where and when you learned it how you use it and explain why you think this skill is so useful. Sample Answer 1: I can speak Spanish and I consider it as a very useful skill. My mother tongue is not Spanish ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an item of clothing you purchased that you didn’t like. v. 1
    Describe an item of clothing you purchased that you didn’t like. You should say: what the clothing was from where and why you bought it what colour and style it had and explain why you didn’t like it. Sample Answer 1: Well, that’s an interesting topic to talk about. A few months ago I purchased a t...
  • 6band
    Describe one of your favourite newspapers/ magazines. v. 1
    Describe one of your favourite newspapers/ magazines. You should say: what it is how much each copy costs how often you read it and explain why you like it so much. Sample Answer 1: My favourite newspaper is ‘The Daily Mail’ and it is a daily newspaper with more than 20 million readers per day. I h...
  • 6band
    Describe a famous building/landmark in your hometown. v. 1
    Describe a famous building/landmark in your hometown. You should say: where it is how old it is how it looks and explain why you think it is an important landmark/ building. Sample Answer 1: Thank you very much for this wonderful topic. I would like to talk about the ‘City Museum’ which is located ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a photograph you have taken yourself which you particularly like. v. 1
    Describe a photograph you have taken yourself which you particularly like. You should say: what the picture shows when you took it why you took it and explain why you particularly like this photograph. Sample Answer 1: I have never been a professional photographer and yet I have a great passion for...
  • 5.5band
    Describe your favourite sport. v. 1
    Describe your favourite sport. You should say: what it is how often you play it or watch it how you play it and explain why this is your favourite sport.   Model Answer 1: Sports is one of my loves in my life. I like almost all major sports and can play football, cricket and badminton very well. Am...
  • 5.5band
    Describe one of the most popular TV shows in your country. v. 1
    Describe one of the most popular TV shows in your country. You should say: what it is what it is about what you like /dislike about it and explain why it is so popular in your country. Sample Answer 1: ‘Far from the line’ is a very popular TV show in our country among more than 20 million viewers w...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an activity you recently took part in. v. 1
    Describe an activity you recently took part in. You should say: what activity it is why you took part in it how it was organised and explain your feeling about this activity. Sample Answer 1: Recently I took part in a social activity which I would like to talk about for this cue card topic. It was ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe an important technological advancement in your country. v. 1
    Describe an important technological advancement in your country. You should say: what it is how it happened how long it took and explain what effect it has had on people in your country. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're goi...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a city or a town where you live or lived. v. 1
    Describe a city or a town where you live or lived. You should say: where it is located what part of it you are most familiar with what are the important landmarks and places there and explain what makes that city or town special to you. Sample Answer 1: I am originally from Nepal and I have spent m...
  • 5.5band
    Describe your favourite way to relax. v. 1
    Describe your favourite way to relax. You should say: what it is when and how you relax. how effective it is for you And explain why you like this way of relaxation. Sample Answer 1: My favourite way to relax is bit strange and my parents often find it hard to believe that I love to relax in this w...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a relative/friend/family member who you think is similar to you. v. 1
    Describe a relative/friend/family member who you think is similar to you. You should say: who he/she is what he/she does what others think about him/her And explain how he/ she is similar to you. Sample Answer 1: Well, people often say that I have many striking resemblances with my elder brother Jo...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a long journey that you enjoyed. v. 1
    Describe a long journey that you enjoyed. You should say: where and when you had it how you got there and how long it took who you went with and explain what you liked about this journey. Sample Answer 1: I love to travel and explore new places and that is why I would be very glad to talk about a l...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a historical city you have been to. v. 1
    Describe a historical city you have been to. You should say: what the city was when you went to the city what you did there and explain why you think it was a historical city.   Sample Answer 1: This is an interesting topic to talk about and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to  let me ...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a health problem you or someone you know had. v. 1
    Describe a health problem you or someone you know had. You should say: what it was how you had this health problem what you or this person had to do to get better And discuss how you/ this person felt about this health problem. Sample Answer 1: Gosh, that seems like quite a personal topic!   I don’...
  • 5.5band
    Describe a place that you have visited that you particularly liked. v. 1
    Describe a place that you have visited that you particularly liked. You should say: when you visited there who you went with what was most memorable And explain what you liked most about this place. Sample Answer 1: Travelling is my passion and I love to explore new places. I even have a wish list ...
  • 6.5band
    Describe something you did which was a waste of time. v. 1
    Describe something you did which was a waste of time. You should say: what you did when you did it why you did it and explain why it was a waste of time. ...
  • 6band
    Describe someone you know who is a good teacher. v. 1
    Describe someone you know who is a good teacher. You should say: who this person is how you know him/her what kind of subjects he /she teaches. and explain why you think this person is a good teacher. ...