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In many countries women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because women are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. To what extent do you agree? v.7

In many countries women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because women are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. v. 7
In many countries, females no longer sense the urge to tie a knot. Some folks think that women are not planning to wed because women are becoming more self-sufficient and they are the breadwinners of their own. Thus, the financial prosperity that marriage can bring is no longer a momentous factor for them. I partly agree with the given statement as there are more reasons for this reluctance. The importance of financial security for women's wedding used to be inevitable but Nowadays, with the economic development throughout the world and the rise of job opportunities and living costs, most of the women are going to work and have a decent income. Therefore, they care less about livelihood as a pivotal factor for marriage and put their concentration mostly on their career or studies. There are also some other reasons for this unwillingness. For instance, they can be over expectations for women and loss of freedom. Because before marriage, there are no restrictions on girls to go outside their home. Also, they can do anything which they want. But after the merger, ladies have to follow the norms of another home. It also puts pressure on the female person’s mind regarding their duties towards her in-laws-family. For example, according to a survey, women did not want to marry because another family did not wanted them to continue their job so, they neglected to get married. On the other hand, a wedding is a beautiful relationship between two souls and families. Furthermore, both the partners support each other as well as, they share their emotions or feelings with each other. Due to it, their understandability is increased which leads to a happy life. To conclude, my firm conviction is that the main reason for this reluctance is women's Self-sufficiency but it is not only the factor that they don’t feel the need to get married.
countries, females no longer sense the urge to tie a knot.
are not planning to wed
are becoming more
self-sufficient and
they are the breadwinners of their
, the financial prosperity that marriage can bring is no longer a momentous factor for them. I partly
with the
statement as there are more reasons for this reluctance.

The importance of financial security for women's wedding
to be inevitable

Nowadays, with the economic development throughout the world and the rise of job opportunities and living costs, most of the
are going to work and have a decent income.
, they care less about livelihood as a pivotal factor for marriage and put their concentration
on their career or studies. There are
reasons for this unwillingness.
For instance
, they can be over expectations for
and loss of freedom.
marriage, there are no restrictions on girls to go outside their home.
, they can do anything which they want.
after the merger, ladies
have to
follow the norms of another home. It
puts pressure on the female person’s mind regarding their duties towards her in-laws-family.
For example
, according to a survey,
did not want to marry
another family did not
them to continue their job
, they neglected to

On the
hand, a wedding is a
relationship between two souls and families.
, both the partners support each
as well as
, they share their emotions or feelings with each
. Due to it, their understandability
is increased
which leads to a happy life.

To conclude
, my firm conviction is that the main reason for this reluctance is women's

it is not
the factor that they don’t feel the need to
12Linking words, meeting the goal of 7 or more
9Repeated words, meeting the goal of 3 or fewer
The limits of my language are the limits of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

IELTS essay In many countries women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that this is because women are able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can bring. v. 7

  American English
6 paragraphs
313 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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