Dear Mr ABC:
We are on the verge of launching a radio-ad-campaign for our social media and news channel apps.
The latest on the spoken one is ‘Wear your attitude’; an app for free to try big brands, Indian and
international, virtually on you. The target audience for the product is unisex, and it is spreading from
20 to 50 years of age: urbanites.
The people of this demography get activated on radio from 8 to 10 am and later in the day around 6
-9 pm. Our planning is to give six blasts of twenty seconds each during the given time slots of the day
between October the 1 st and December the 31 st.
Sir, our funds for the same are limited; however, we are open for barter against the airtime and the
artwork concerned. If you agree to the given proposition, we can incorporate your esteemed radio
station on the ‘channels of preference’ in our app. This will give you an exposure of around one
million subscribers that we have on our social media platform.
I look forward to hearing from you in confirmation.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr ABC:
We are on the verge of launching a radio-ad-campaign for our social media and news channel apps.
The latest on the spoken one is ‘Wear your attitude’; an app for free to try
brands, Indian and
on you. The target audience for the product is unisex, and it is spreading from
20 to 50 years of age: urbanites.
of this demography
activated on radio from 8 to 10 am and later in the day around 6
-9 pm. Our planning is to give six blasts of twenty seconds each during the
time slots of the day
between October the
1 st
and December the
31 st
Sir, our funds for the same
are limited
, we are open for barter against the airtime and the
artwork concerned. If you
to the
proposition, we can incorporate your esteemed radio
station on the ‘channels of preference’ in our app. This will give you an exposure of around one
million subscribers that we have on our social media platform.
I look forward to hearing from you in confirmation.