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TOPIC 3: Being kind or being right. What matters to you more? v.1

TOPIC 3: Being kind or being right. What matters to you more? v. 1
Heart and heart are two of the most important organisms in the human bodies. They work interdependently, function in harmony and support each other so that our human bodies can survive. However, it is a fact that no minuscule proportion of human beings, not to mention all, have found themselves in the situation in which they are polarized by these two body parts? What makes the question of whether to follow your head or your heart so intricate and dithering for everyone? Or in other words, why do so many people fear the prospects of them standing between the option of pure rationality and human kindness? That is the conundrum that will take many years to be discovered, but for my part, rightness always takes priority over kindness. As a German learner for eight months, I have found out an interesting and widespread stereotype about the German people. They are too direct, too honest that sometimes they are even deemed as impolite and arrogant by the foreigners. But surprisingly, and unsurprisingly as well, the German are globally famous for their efficiency and their productivity at work. Wondering if there is any rationale behind their productive results, I did some research on the Internet and felt taken aback when I found that it was indeed their blatant character that partly contributes to their trademark. The German are very careful and muss be accurate with every detailed statistics, any concealment for fiscal deficits or miscalculations would be severely upbraided. In addition, when working in Germany, employees must prepare themselves for vehement and sarcastic judgments from their managers and bosses should they make any mistakes, even the small ones, but for the sake of self- betterment. Personally, I find this German- working model so effective. Any errors or mismanagement should be clearly rectified, and I would also feel pleased and receptive to any flagrant and contributory complaints from others. Everything is for self- improvement. Being right equates to being kind. That is the lesson that I have acquired from an episode of Conan – The Detective, my favourite comics when I was small. Even though he wholeheartedly wanted to defend his idol from the sin of murder, it was still the glaring fact that his idol was the murderer, and as a detective, he had to disclose this hurting truth. Obviously, there are both rational and sentimental factors that influence a person's decision. Nevertheless, justice is one and only, although it is the truth that it hurts, even our flesh and blood, but in the meantime, it is a relief for others, or a symbol of kindness. In a long- term vision, when kindness is practiced over rightness, it will woefully lead to an apathetic culture, where every sin, even the most perverted and contemptuous is taken as normal, and a society in stagnation, where human shortcomings is ignored under the camouflage of sympathy. It is my most ever- lasting mantra that as a human, it is our responsibility to bring justice to light. Indubitably, kindness is a crucial quality that set us apart from other animals. The development of any civilizations fundamentally stems from the sharing, sympathy and support within our human beings. But for me, I am not an emotion- oriented person, but more of a seeing- is- believing one, I would never let the sentiments overshadow my conscience. As a matter of course, I would be opposed by certain individuals, who criticize that I am too inflexible in my ways of handling, but I would also be pleased and not offended to be branded as a German type.
Heart and heart are two of the most
organisms in the
bodies. They work
, function in harmony and support each
that our
bodies can survive.
, it is a fact that no minuscule proportion of
beings, not to mention all, have found themselves in the situation in which they
are polarized
by these two body parts? What
the question of whether
to follow your head or your heart
intricate and dithering for everyone? Or in
words, why do
fear the prospects of them standing between the option of pure rationality and
That is
the conundrum that will take
years to
be discovered
for my part, rightness always takes priority over kindness.

As a German learner for eight months, I have found out an interesting and widespread stereotype about the German
. They are too direct, too honest that
they are even deemed as impolite and arrogant by the foreigners.
, and
as well
, the German are globally
for their efficiency and their productivity at work. Wondering if there is any rationale behind their productive results, I did
research on the Internet and felt taken aback when I found that it was
their blatant character that partly contributes to their trademark. The German are
careful and muss be accurate with every detailed statistics, any concealment for fiscal deficits or miscalculations would be
In addition
, when working in Germany, employees
prepare themselves for vehement and sarcastic judgments from their managers and bosses should they
any mistakes, even the
for the sake of self- betterment.
, I find this German- working model
effective. Any errors or mismanagement should be
rectified, and I would
and receptive to any flagrant and contributory complaints from others. Everything is for self- improvement.

Being right equates to being kind.
That is
the lesson that I have acquired from an episode of Conan
The Detective, my
comics when I was
Even though
wanted to defend his idol from the sin of murder, it was
the glaring fact that his idol was the murderer, and as a detective, he had to disclose this hurting truth.
, there are both rational and sentimental factors that influence a person's decision.
, justice is one and
, although it is the truth that it hurts, even our flesh and blood,
in the meantime, it is a relief for others, or a symbol of
. In a long- term vision, when
is practiced
over rightness, it will
lead to an apathetic culture, where every sin, even the most perverted and contemptuous
is taken
as normal, and a society in stagnation, where
shortcomings is
under the camouflage of sympathy. It is my most ever- lasting mantra that as a
, it is our responsibility to bring justice to light.

is a crucial quality that set us apart from
animals. The development of any civilizations
stems from the sharing, sympathy and support within our
for me, I am not an emotion- oriented person,
more of a seeing- is- believing one, I would never
the sentiments overshadow my conscience. As a matter
of course
, I would
be opposed
by certain individuals, who criticize that I am too inflexible in my ways of handling,
I would
and not offended to
be branded
as a German type.
17Linking words, meeting the goal of 7 or more
14Repeated words, meeting the goal of 3 or fewer
You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.
Geoffrey Willans

IELTS essay TOPIC 3: Being kind or being right. What matters to you more? v. 1

  American English
4 paragraphs
598 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
  • ?
    Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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