The stacked bar delineated the enrolments of students outside the UK to various British universities between 2009 and 2014.
In general, the vast majority observed an impressive increase regarding the number of people who had chosen to study a higher degree in the UK. However, in two particular departments, Liverpool and Cardiff, the tendency went to the other direction.
To begin with, almost every universities mentioned welcomed a large amount of students over the time. Outstandingly, Brighton was the place that obtained the highest percentage of both year, respectfully 12% and nearly 13%. In contrast, the lowest rank went to Haddonfield, 1% to approximately 3%. Particularly in Birmingham, the gap between two years was much larger than the others by 4%.
In the opposite tendency stood two opponents, Cardiff and Liverpool. Whilst the latter recorded no changes at all during the time, Cardiff showed a significant decrease by 1% in 5 years.
The stacked bar delineated the
of students outside the UK to various British universities between 2009 and 2014.
In general
, the vast majority observed an impressive increase regarding the number of
who had chosen to study a higher degree in the UK.
, in two particular departments, Liverpool and Cardiff, the tendency went to the other direction.
with, almost every
mentioned welcomed a large amount of students over the time.
, Brighton was the place that obtained the highest percentage of both year,
12% and
In contrast
, the lowest rank went to Haddonfield, 1% to approximately 3%.
in Birmingham, the gap between two years was much larger than the others by 4%.
In the opposite tendency stood two opponents, Cardiff and Liverpool. Whilst the latter recorded no
at all during the time, Cardiff
a significant decrease by 1% in 5 years.