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Some people think that the internet has brought people closer together while others think that people and communities have become more isolated due to the use of the internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that the internet has brought people closer together while others think that people and communities have become more isolated due to the use of the internet. 6prL8
In the current era of digitalization, there are wavering opinions regarding the advent of the internet where few individuals are of the opinion that it has almost dramatically revolutionized the social bond among people; whereas, the counterparts begs to differ and believe that the society can be seen in the middle of nowhere due to this innovative advancement in technology. Both these views shall be elaborately expounded - along with apt justifications and appropriate illustrations - before forming my standpoint in the ensuing write-up. To commence with the former view, the internet has contributed significantly to the way we communicate with each other. To explore it, previously people found it nearly impossible to keep their contact with their relatives living in another city, state, or even country. Hopefully, now, it is extremely effortless for one to converse with not only their kith and kin but also with any other anonymous person who perhaps would be living on the other side of the planet with whom they can share their cultural significance, ideas, and life experiences with the help of this contemporary automation. Globally renowned entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg, could not be thanked more for his artistic work in developing several social media applications like Facebook and Whatsapp which has given birth to this sort of confabulations. Hence, WWW (World Wide Web) has, undoubtedly, brought societies and people in conjunction. On the counter side, the latter view suggests that societies are becoming exceedingly secluded with the furtherance of this amazing technology. With such a proliferated popularity of the web, it is quite apparent that people spend a hefty amount of their time virtually discovering their like-minded companions versus physically doing so. No wonder this trend would lead to an individual being encircled in his point of interest - making himself prey to an algorithm called "Filter-bubble" algorithm - and further just to avoid being jeered by the disparagers, they would prefer being alone over being with other heads, thus elevation in the trend of one separating oneself from the world around. What is more, in 20/20 hindsight, this will forthrightly discourage and diminish camaraderie which is absolutely vital for a person's social wellbeing. Consequently, there will also be a rise in individuals being more introverted. It has been claimed by well-known technological prodigies that in the recent decade, a whopping 98 percent of internet users admit themselves as an introvert in nature owing to the overuse of the online web. Personally, I affirm that modern technology should definitely be used for one's comfort as far as it does not hinder our social relations with people in the community and make one more inferior than ever before. Surely, should the internet be used in moderation and not in extremities, it will only facilitate oneself. In conclusion, it can be commented that both the viewpoint holders provide appropriate ground to stand on and it can be made evident that online search engines ought to be used in fairness rather than intensely to a point where it could end up throwing the user in the back of beyond from the society.
In the
era of digitalization, there are wavering opinions regarding the advent of the internet where few individuals are of the opinion that it has almost
revolutionized the
bond among
; whereas, the counterparts begs to differ and believe that the
can be
in the middle of nowhere due to this innovative advancement in technology. Both these views shall be
along with apt justifications and appropriate illustrations
forming my standpoint in the ensuing write-up.

To commence with the former view, the internet has contributed
to the way we communicate with each
. To explore it, previously
found it
impossible to
their contact with their relatives living in another city, state, or even country.
, it is
effortless for one to converse with not
their kith and kin
with any
anonymous person who perhaps would be living on the
side of the planet with whom they can share their cultural significance,
, and life experiences with the
of this contemporary automation. Globally renowned entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg, could not
be thanked
more for his artistic work in developing several
media applications like Facebook and
which has
birth to this sort of confabulations.
, WWW (World Wide Web) has,
, brought
in conjunction.

On the counter side, the latter view suggests that
are becoming
secluded with the furtherance of this amazing technology. With such a proliferated popularity of the web, it is quite apparent that
spend a hefty amount of their time
discovering their like-minded companions versus
. No wonder this trend would lead to an individual
being encircled
in his point of interest
making himself prey to an algorithm called
to avoid
being jeered
by the
, they would prefer being alone over being with
elevation in the trend of one separating oneself from the world around.
What is more
, in 20/20 hindsight, this will
discourage and diminish camaraderie which is
vital for a person's
, there will
be a rise in individuals being more introverted. It has
been claimed
by well-known technological prodigies that in the recent decade, a whopping 98 percent of internet users admit themselves as an introvert in nature owing to the overuse of the online web.

, I affirm that modern technology should definitely be
for one's comfort as far as it does not hinder our
relations with
in the community and
more inferior than
, should the internet be
in moderation and not in extremities, it will
facilitate oneself.

In conclusion
, it can
be commented
that both the viewpoint holders provide appropriate ground to stand on and it can
be made
evident that online search engines ought to be
in fairness
to a point where it could
up throwing the user in the back of beyond from the
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IELTS essay Some people think that the internet has brought people closer together while others think that people and communities have become more isolated due to the use of the internet.

  American English
5 paragraphs
516 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 5.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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