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some people say the main purpose of prison is punishment while others argue that rehabilitation is it primary role

some people say the main purpose of prison is punishment while others argue that rehabilitation is it primary role EdeJR
In every country, prisons act as a type of facility where people are kept and isolated from the outside world. Different minds have contrasting opinions on the role of prisons. While a number of people assume that prisons’ utilization is to punish the sinners, the opposite site argues that rehabilitation is their prioritized purpose. By investigating the similarities and differences between the two ideas, one can identify which responsibilities do prisons take. . On the one hand, prisons conduct either punishment or rehabilitation activities in order to deter criminals from reoffending their crimes. By being kept inside the bars, these inmates have no chance of initiating any illegal actions. In other words, whether they consciously or subconsciously commit the crimes, they are banned from doing so temporarily or more seriously, permanently. On the other hand, between retribution and rehabilitation lay striking distinctions. When mentioning “punishment”, people usually relate to unpleasant images, and that is what the so-called punishment exists for. First of all, fears are invoked within offenders who are sentenced to prisons since living day after day behind the bars is certainly not comfortable. For instance, they are asked to follow the strict regulations and bear pressure, therefore, these sinners may become accustomed to obeying the rules and living under severe control. Besides, prisons’ penalty also has their offenders take responsibility for what they have done by making them experience hazardous prison conditions, which will result in their trauma and physical or mental impairments. On the contrary, prisons also has their function as rehabilitating the criminals. In countries all around the world, most policies are humane, which allow the prisoners to get back to the mass. Inside the prison, offenders are cared for and properly supervised as almost all of their spiritual and material demands are met, which means they have time to develop inner peace and goodwill. Moreover, these criminals also receive opportunities to contribute to the community - or differently said - to prepare to rehabilitate. For example, they learn necessary skills and knowledge; they work and produce goods then sell them to earn money - which can be donated to charity foundations. Long story short, not only do prisons penalize those who initiated illegal actions but also give them the second chance to relive their life. Their function depends on the criminal’s crime intensity and their attitudes towards what they have done.
In every country,
act as a type of facility where
and isolated from the outside world.
minds have contrasting opinions on the role of
. While a number of
assume that
utilization is to punish the sinners, the opposite site argues that rehabilitation is their prioritized purpose. By investigating the similarities and differences between the two
, one can identify which responsibilities do

On the one hand,
conduct either punishment or rehabilitation activities in order to deter
their crimes. By being
inside the bars, these inmates have no chance of initiating any illegal actions.
In other words
, whether they
commit the crimes, they
are banned
from doing
or more

On the other hand
, between retribution and rehabilitation lay striking distinctions.

When mentioning “punishment”,
relate to unpleasant images, and
that is
what the
-called punishment exists for.
First of all
, fears
are invoked
within offenders who
are sentenced
since living day after day behind the bars is
not comfortable.
For instance
, they
are asked
to follow the strict regulations and bear pressure,
, these sinners may become accustomed to obeying the
and living under severe control.
has their offenders take responsibility for what they have done by making them experience hazardous
conditions, which will result in their trauma and physical or mental impairments.

On the contrary
has their function as rehabilitating the
. In countries all around the world, most policies are humane, which
the prisoners to
back to the mass. Inside the
, offenders
are cared
for and
supervised as almost all of their spiritual and material demands
are met
, which means they have time to develop inner peace and goodwill.
, these
receive opportunities to contribute to the community
to prepare to rehabilitate.
For example
, they learn necessary
and knowledge; they work and produce
then sell them to earn money
which can
be donated
to charity foundations.

Long story short, not
penalize those who initiated illegal actions
give them the second chance to relive their life. Their function depends on the
crime intensity and their attitudes towards what they have done.
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Karl Albrecht

IELTS essay some people say the main purpose of prison is punishment while others argue that rehabilitation is it primary role

  American English
6 paragraphs
396 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
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  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 5.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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