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Ques: some people think that govt should impose heavy tax on factories and industries to tackle the problem of pollution. While others think that there are other methods which can be effective. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

Ques: some people think that govt should impose heavy tax on factories and industries to tackle the problem of pollution. While others think that there are other methods which can be effective. 6pXV3
Answer: while industries have established themselves in the market by providing consumers with products and services, this in the mean time, been a major factor for the increase in plethora of pollution. Pollution has become a global problem and each nation is trying hard to combat its effects. Imposing massive tax on corporations can be considered as an option to reduce pollution but there are many different ways to tackle this problem. Levying heavy taxes on industries can help slow down the issue of pollution as the industrialists will change their techniques and limit their stock. There are numerous reasons as to why heavy taxes should be implied on the industrial corporations but the major reason is taxes will help reducing toxic emissions by using special procedures and technical machinery. Harmful waste which comes from the production lines will decline which will cause less pollution in the environment. Increase in taxes will lead to inflation which will be a problem for the people of the nation. If the taxes will be implied at higher rates, the prices of the products in the market will also multiply. The rocketed prices of ghe products, in turn, will effect people's buying capacity, and at last their living. On the other hand, government should formulate strict rules for the protection of environment. Higher authorities can provide the special areas having trees and plants for settling up their industries such as the outskirts of the city. As a result, air pollution can be controlled to a great extent as trees help in absorbing gases like carbon dioxide and provide oxygen in return. Moreover, industrialists can use biodegradable and renewable resources for manufacturing products. Hence, they will safeguard the atmosphere from the pollution causing factors. Wastage of water should be stopped and plans for conservation of water should be implemented. Usage of unnecessary vehicles should also be banned. Burning of coal, petroleum and plastic in the open air should be prohibited and strict punishment should be given to the offenders. To conclude, implying huge taxes on factories can cause problems to public masses. Utilizing the renewable sources, creating awareness and working together to save our planet can reduce pollution. Government should also be more serious about the environmental protection and formulating stringent laws. In my opinion, by working on all these measures we can take care of the environmental damage.
Answer: while industries have established themselves in the market by providing consumers with
and services, this in the
mean time
, been a major factor for the increase in plethora of
has become a global problem and each nation is trying
to combat its effects. Imposing massive
on corporations can
be considered
as an option to
there are
ways to tackle this problem.

Levying heavy
on industries can
slow down the issue of
as the industrialists will
their techniques and limit their stock. There are numerous reasons as to why heavy
be implied
on the industrial corporations
the major reason is
toxic emissions by using special procedures and technical machinery. Harmful waste which
from the production lines will decline which will cause less
in the environment. Increase in
will lead to inflation which will be a problem for the
of the nation. If the
be implied
at higher rates, the prices of the
in the market will
multiply. The rocketed prices of
, in turn, will
's buying capacity, and at
last their living

On the other hand
should formulate strict
for the protection of environment. Higher authorities can provide the special areas having trees and plants for settling up their industries such as the outskirts of the city.
As a result
, air
be controlled
to a great extent as trees
in absorbing gases like carbon dioxide and provide oxygen in return.
, industrialists can
biodegradable and renewable resources for manufacturing
, they will safeguard the atmosphere from the
causing factors. Wastage of water should be
and plans for conservation of water should
be implemented
. Usage of unnecessary vehicles should
be banned
. Burning of coal, petroleum and plastic in the open air should
be prohibited
and strict punishment should be
to the offenders.

To conclude
, implying huge
on factories can cause problems to public masses. Utilizing the renewable sources, creating awareness and working together to save our planet can
be more serious about the environmental protection and formulating stringent laws. In my opinion, by working on all these measures we can take care of the environmental damage.
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IELTS essay Ques: some people think that govt should impose heavy tax on factories and industries to tackle the problem of pollution. While others think that there are other methods which can be effective.

  American English
4 paragraphs
394 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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