Having a limited amount of time to prepare meals at home, people are consuming ready-made products more frequently these days. Although eating these foods has considerable advantages, such as spending less time and effort while preparing them, numerous disadvantages are associated with them. I believe that the number of cons related to ready-made food and takeaways is greater than the pros, and this essay will discuss the reasons behind it.
The main problem with over-consumption of ready-made meals is the health issues caused by them. Most Restaurants’ dishes are unhealthy because of the use of low-quality ingredients, high fat content, and furthermore the lack of cleanliness, and consequently those who dine out more often have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, and obesity. Recent studies, done by The World Health Organization (WHO), show that in the US, which has the highest rate of fast-food consumption in the world, the populations’ average weight has been rising by 15 percent during the last decade.
Even though takeaways are threatening public health, they are still highly demanded due to the comfort that they provide. In the past, mothers in every household were conventionally responsible for making home-made, fresh meals, whereas, in the 21st century, most women started to work outside, and as a result, they cannot cook at home any longer. Theses modern families might order food to catering as it is the most convenient choice, however not the safest. For instance, a person who spends around 12 hours per day working plus commuting, will neither have time nor energy to cook when arrives home, consequently it is absolutely sensible if he orders dinner from a restaurant.
In conclusion, the demerits of having ready-made dishes, which are mostly health-related problems, are not only more in number but even more serious than the merits of this trend including comfort and speed.
Having a limited amount of time to prepare meals at home,
are consuming ready-made products more
these days. Although eating these foods has considerable advantages, such as spending less time and effort while preparing them, numerous disadvantages
are associated
with them. I believe that the number of cons related to ready-made food and takeaways is greater than the pros, and this essay will discuss the reasons behind it.
The main problem with over-consumption of ready-made meals is the health issues caused by them. Most Restaurants’ dishes are unhealthy
of the
of low-quality ingredients, high
content, and
the lack of cleanliness, and
those who dine out more
have a higher
of cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, and obesity. Recent studies, done by The World Health Organization (WHO),
that in the US, which has the highest rate of
-food consumption in the world, the populations’ average weight has been rising by 15 percent during the last decade.
Even though
takeaways are threatening public health, they are
demanded due to the comfort that they provide. In the past, mothers in every household were
responsible for making home-made, fresh meals, whereas, in the 21st century, most women
to work outside, and
as a result
, they cannot cook at home any longer.
modern families might order food to
as it is the most convenient choice,
not the safest.
For instance
, a person who spends around 12 hours per day working plus commuting, will neither have time nor energy to cook when arrives home,
it is
sensible if he orders dinner from a restaurant.
In conclusion
, the demerits of having ready-made dishes, which are
health-related problems, are not
more in number
even more serious than the merits of this trend including comfort and speed.