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Men are placed in most high-level jobs. Some people say that the government should envoys certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women. Do you agree or disagree?

Men are placed in most high-level jobs. Some people say that the government should envoys certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women. 7aMB6
In recent times, women are give equal opportunity in all sort of jobs. Men are dominating in high cader jobs like CEO, for which there should be some priority given for women also. However, in my view, allocation of jobs for female won’t help them much. Women are given opportunity in all the fields but they are not considered for the vital deductions has to be taken which decides the success of the company. They think female as a weaker gender in certain aspects which may sometimes hinder in taking decision for the betterment of the company. Additionally, they face a lot of stress in work environment, which at one point they become hopeless to move forward. If there are some priorities given, they will strive hard for themselves to push them up. Hence, reservation of seats encourages women. In this contemporary era, the job position are given based on their intelligence and skill which each and everyone possess, regardless of the gender. Even though there are lots of hurdles in workplace, the promotions are given based on certain criteria and not considering the sex of a person. For instance, nowadays, women are the chairperson in more number of companies which they run forward in a successful way. There are lots of career based educational courses which helps everyone to develop their skills and getting hike in their job designation. Thus, allocation of designation to a particular gender won’t help in giving priorities. In conclusion, even though there are lot of categories for selecting a person for high positions, women of this period possess more skill to upgrade themselves in their profession for which they don’t need any reservations.
In recent times,
are give equal opportunity in all sort of
are dominating in high
like CEO, for which there should be
, in my view, allocation of
for female won’t
them much.
opportunity in all the fields
they are not considered for the vital deductions
has to
be taken
which decides the success of the
. They
female as a weaker gender in certain aspects which may
hinder in taking decision for the betterment of the
, they face a
in work environment, which at one point they become hopeless to
forward. If there are
, they will strive
for themselves to push them up.
, reservation of seats encourages
. In this contemporary era, the
position are
based on their intelligence and
which each and
, regardless of the gender.
Even though
there are
of hurdles in workplace, the promotions are
based on certain criteria and not considering the sex of a person.
For instance
, nowadays,
are the chairperson in more number of
which they run forward
in a successful way
. There are
of career based educational courses which
everyone to develop their
and getting hike in their
, allocation of designation to a particular gender won’t
in giving priorities.
In conclusion
even though
there are
lot of
categories for selecting a person for high positions,
of this period possess more
to upgrade themselves in their profession for which they don’t need any reservations.
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It is astonishing how much enjoyment one can get out of a language that one understands imperfectly.
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve

IELTS essay Men are placed in most high-level jobs. Some people say that the government should envoys certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women.

  American English
1 paragraphs
279 words
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