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Many people believe that university education should be free. However, in 2011students in England and Wales had to pay £9000 per year to attend university. Should this tuition fee be removed? Should university education be free in Uzbekistan? Remember to give your own opinion and some examples to support your opinion.

Many people believe that university education should be free. However, in 2011students in England and Wales had to pay £9000 per year to attend university. Should this tuition fee be removed? Should university education be free in Uzbekistan? Remember to give your own opinion and some examples to support your opinion. RklYV
It goes without noticing that obtaining bachelor degree is a privilege for a tremendous number of entrants that can be either free of charge or payable. Actually, while the supporters of the absence of scholarship’s expenditure provide the range of benefits, the opponents claim that the value of being educated can be lost. The position connected with the second side is agreed and the reasons will be demonstrated further. Initially, while describing the causes of the against side of tuition fee disappearing one cannot help mentioning some of them to be exact, educationalists’ absenteeism because of dropping wage and poor standard facilities. Moreover, one should pay attention to the fact that educators’ missing work is closely related with salary, as a part of students’ contract payment usually devoted to teachers that will lead to uninspired conduction of the classes. For instance, the last outcomes of the research made by University of Oklahoma questioned around a thousand of teachers from 50 higher educational establishments showed that professors are ready to strike if there will not be spread appropriate pay. Continuously, it has to be clarified that in order to not lose high-qualified academics the deserved rewarding should be presented. There is no doubt that Universities are not able to provide congruous facilities for student without remittances. Furthermore, it has to be emphasized that specialized faculties devoted to sport, stage direction, acting skills and ubiquitous scientific fields will not be enhanced due to the whole in inner budget. As an example, one can highlight that the above- described areas are always in need of investment due to the special equipment, artificial conditions or requisite for realizing outstanding outcomes in a particular area. Summarizing, evolution of the state as a collective factor of basic directions will not able to be achieved, if there is no contribution from the students’ account to the academy. From my own perspective, as the crucial part of Uzbekistan’s economy is occupied by educational institutions, the country will not benefit from removing student’s disbursement. Anyway, annually opportunities for receiving scholarships are enlarged for intelligent entrants allowing to be admitted on basis of obtained knowledge. Consequently, number of citizens desiring to be enlightened is being increasing despite of the contract and the Republic is being prospered. Overall, the prestige and status of being graduated in the community is equaled literacy gained for money that provokes youth to esteem education. To crown it all, even though the interrelation between cognizance and finances in touch with universities has been argued for many years, the contemporary tendency to measure everything in money forces human beings to treasure the acceptance of lore. As a result, these men will do the best to enrich both own possession and homeland ones that can further go to beneficial circulation simultaneously.
It goes without noticing that obtaining bachelor degree is a privilege for a tremendous number of entrants that can be either free of charge or payable. Actually, while the supporters of the absence of scholarship’s expenditure provide the range of benefits, the opponents claim that the value of
being educated
be lost
. The position connected with the second side is
and the reasons will
be demonstrated

, while describing the causes of the against side of tuition fee disappearing one cannot
of them to be exact, educationalists’ absenteeism
of dropping wage and poor standard facilities.
, one should pay attention to the fact that educators’ missing work is
related with salary, as a part of
contract payment
devoted to teachers that will lead to uninspired conduction of the classes.
For instance
, the last outcomes of the research made by University of Oklahoma questioned around a thousand of teachers from 50 higher educational establishments
that professors are ready to strike if there will not
be spread
appropriate pay.
, it
has to
be clarified
that in order to not lose high-qualified academics the deserved rewarding should
be presented

There is no doubt that Universities are not able to provide congruous facilities for
without remittances.
, it
has to
be emphasized
that specialized faculties devoted to sport, stage direction, acting
and ubiquitous scientific fields will not
be enhanced
due to the whole in inner budget. As an example, one can highlight that the above-
areas are always in need of investment due to the special equipment, artificial conditions or requisite for realizing outstanding outcomes in a particular area. Summarizing, evolution of the state as a collective factor of basic directions will not able to
be achieved
, if there is no contribution from the
account to the academy.

From my
perspective, as the crucial part of Uzbekistan’s economy
is occupied
by educational institutions, the country will not benefit from removing
disbursement. Anyway,
opportunities for receiving scholarships
are enlarged
for intelligent entrants allowing to
be admitted
on basis of obtained knowledge.
, number of citizens desiring to
be enlightened
is being increasing
despite of
the contract and the Republic is
being prospered
, the prestige and status of
being graduated
in the community
is equaled
literacy gained for money that provokes youth to esteem education.

To crown it all,
even though
the interrelation between cognizance and finances in touch with universities has
been argued
years, the contemporary tendency to measure everything in money forces human beings to treasure the acceptance of lore.
As a result
, these
will do the best to enrich both
possession and homeland ones that can
go to beneficial circulation
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IELTS essay Many people believe that university education should be free. However, in 2011students in England and Wales had to pay £9000 per year to attend university. Should this tuition fee be removed? Should university education be free in Uzbekistan? Remember to give your own opinion and some examples to support your opinion.

  American English
5 paragraphs
463 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
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    Currently is not available
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  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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