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It is natural process when animal species going to extinct. There is no reason for human to try to prevent it.

It is natural process when animal species going to extinct. There is no reason for human to try to prevent it. n171K
It is believed that animal extinction is a crucial part of natural selection; therefore, human should neglect it as much as possible. In my opinion, nature plays the minor role in the process, while the main responsibility have to be blame for the human activities which must be solved promptly. On the one hand, in terms of natural process, the disappearance of some kinds of animal such as dinosaur, or dodos is mainly because of evolution and climate change. The mentioned species could not adapt well to the change of environment by its genetic structures leaded to be removed. In other words, climate change caused ice melted, sea level rose and wiped out habitats of some kinds of animal. That being said, humans must be to blame for animal and its habitats destruction. In details, chief among the reasons of global warming are human activities includes deforestation, gas exhaust, and so on. It is indisputable fact that the use of pesticides and fertilizers has a negative impact on underground insects or the emission released from factories make thick layer of dust in industrial areas. Additionally, rampant poaching and trafficking has deemed as the main culprit for the extinction of some endangered species like rhinos. It is undeniable to say that most of natural destruction comes from the human’s greedy; thus, they must take action to save their mistakes. The governments should hand down the tough punitive sanctions for criminal to minimize the wildlife crime. Furthermore, sanctuaries should be created to look after the neglected animals and preserve their habitats. In terms of agriculture, organic farming should be applied to protect and cultivate the soil nutrition. Then, factories are forced to establish the waste treatment system before throw it into the lakes or oceans. In conclusion, human should be responsible for they are doing and learn the way to treat nature better.
is believed
extinction is a crucial part of natural selection;
should neglect it as much as possible. In my opinion, nature plays the minor role in the process, while the main responsibility
have to
be blame for the
activities which
be solved

On the one hand, in terms of natural process, the disappearance of
kinds of
such as dinosaur, or dodos is
of evolution and climate
. The mentioned species could not adapt well to the
of environment by its genetic structures leaded to
be removed
In other words
, climate
caused ice melted, sea level rose and wiped out habitats of
kinds of animal.

being said
be to blame for
and its habitats destruction. In
, chief among the reasons of global warming are
activities includes deforestation, gas exhaust, and
on. It is indisputable fact that the
of pesticides and fertilizers has a
impact on underground insects or the emission released from factories
thick layer of dust in industrial areas.
, rampant poaching and trafficking has deemed as the main culprit for the extinction of
endangered species like rhinos.

It is undeniable to say that
most of natural
from the
, they
take action to save their mistakes. The
should hand down the tough punitive sanctions for criminal to minimize the wildlife crime.
, sanctuaries should
be created
to look after the neglected
and preserve their habitats. In terms of agriculture, organic farming should
be applied
to protect and cultivate the soil nutrition. Then, factories
are forced
to establish the waste treatment system
throw it into the lakes or oceans.

In conclusion
should be responsible for they are doing and learn the way to treat nature better.
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IELTS essay It is natural process when animal species going to extinct. There is no reason for human to try to prevent it.

  American English
5 paragraphs
311 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.5
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Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
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Task Achievement: 7.0
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  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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