It is an inevitable fact that human beings have never fully discovered the planet Earth. Nowadays, with advanced technology, explorers are able to reach more uncovered regions. Along with merits, this trend also brings numerous drawbacks. This essay will discuss some major positive and negative aspects of this issue.
The benefits that discovering isolated areas has devoted to the humankind insight are undeniable. For instance, by finding new species, biologists can come up with methods to conserve them and enhance their populations. Furthermore, researchers may have opportunities to discover new bacteria, therefore, seeking ways to cure or make use out of them. Especially, there are high chances of scientists seeking an alternative for energy resources that have been causing severe damage to the environment.
Notwithstanding, people coming to untouched natural environments may help with preserving them and in some way saving the planet, this action is paradoxically damaging it. Namely, when biologists detect new species, they tend to capture those animals back to Labatories for researching purposes, which can lead to those targets losing their habitat, even the decrease of their populations. Moreover, it is not just researchers taking expeditions to newly explored regions, there are also adventurers. And not all of those adventurous visitors have the awareness of protecting the nature which resulting to the intact areas being contaminated.
In conclusion, even though the advantages of human setting foot on undiscovered lands are undisputable, the demerits more than compensate for the upsides. In consequence, taking notes of the benefits this action offers, it should be limited for nature's sake.
It is an inevitable fact that human beings have never
discovered the planet Earth. Nowadays, with advanced technology, explorers are able to reach more uncovered regions. Along with merits, this trend
brings numerous drawbacks. This essay will discuss
aspects of this issue.
The benefits that discovering isolated areas has devoted to the humankind insight are undeniable.
For instance
, by finding new species, biologists can
up with methods to conserve them and enhance their populations.
, researchers may have opportunities to discover new bacteria,
, seeking ways to cure or
out of them.
, there are high chances of scientists seeking an alternative for energy resources that have been causing severe damage to the environment.
coming to untouched natural environments may
with preserving them and in
way saving the planet, this action is
damaging it.
, when biologists detect new species, they tend to capture those animals back to
for researching purposes, which can lead to those targets losing their habitat, even the decrease of their populations.
, it is not
researchers taking expeditions to
explored regions, there are
adventurers. And not all of those adventurous visitors have the awareness of protecting the nature which resulting to the intact areas
being contaminated
In conclusion
even though
the advantages of human setting foot on undiscovered lands are undisputable, the demerits more than compensate for the upsides. In consequence, taking notes of the benefits this action offers, it should
be limited
for nature's sake.