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International relations theories and approaches

International relations theories and approaches 1Al7N
The prolonged war between the US and China has long been a serious tension which impacts economically, politically and sociologically. This essay will particularly draw attention to why there is a low probability of war declaration in the upcoming decade. Several reasons behind this hypothesis include a concern about resource scarcity, diplomatic issues. This occurs for the reason that mainland China does not identify Taiwan and Hong Kong as separated nations and a high demand for authorities to reunifine as ‘People’s Republic of China’. It is commonly known as “one China policy”according to BBC (2016). In addition, as the trend of the global population is increasingly problematic, it is extremely difficult to disregard how infinite supplies are as a comparison to the current demand. At the end of this literature will be a summary of why I believed in such a manner. Additionally, this academic paper will also provide limitations, further suggestions to formulate qualitative analyses and responses. War, a means to achieve certain goals through whatever actions necessary, is one of the key importance prior to understanding the history behind the US-China conflict. B, Rusell (1916) stated the definition of war as “conflict between two groups, each of which attempts to kill and maim as many as possible of the other group in order to achieve some object which it desires” This represents an intention of gaining indecisive benefits from other actors/states through violence. Despite that, there are plentiful types of war that happened and still prevail nowadays. These involved but not limited to proxy-war and cyber (technological) war which use other means as battlegrounds. Whilst, in the context of the US and China, they attempt to compete with each other both militarily, non-violence ways. Another crucial feature to judge whether interstate war is conceivable or not has to do with build and road initiative. This strategy was adopted by Chinese leader, Xi Jin Ping in 2013. The article (Xinhua, 2015) [online] denotes this idea as "a bid to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future. " With this intention in mind, this strategy is laid out to increase the sphere of Chinese influence and accelerate economic expansion in different regions across the world. This links to the probability of interstate war because the more Chinese Biden has initiated the so-called ‘Build Back Better’ framework. The vice president of government in the US has announced that “when it is signed into law, the Build Back Better framework will spark innovation and jobs in the US. , directing the level of investments toward the equitable and competitive clean energy economy that businesses, investors, and communities across the U. S. demand”. This implicates how the US endeavours to mitigate social class differentiation and resolve environmental issues corresponding to the development plan in China. To understand the logic behind the continuous dispute between China and the US, one should take historical context into account. While the roots of controversy did not happen until the establishment of ‘the People’s Republic of China‘ in 1949. As a consequence, their main rival (nationalist party) led by Chiang Kai Shek had exiled to Taiwan with the US support. A year following the initiation of nationalist party in mainland China, the Korean war occured in 1950. At the time, the Chinese government supported the North and demanded for a division while the US aided the South. Ever since, there have been ongoing events that damaged this relationship. These include, for instance, Ping Pong diplomacy and Tiananmen Square Massacre which took place in 1971 and 1989, respectively. Nevertheless, as an evolution of the Chinese economy, military capabilities, cultural and diplomacy. These factors accumulate the fact that China surpassed Japan and became one of the world’s biggest economies in 2010. This demonstrates how powerful China can be in spite of their ranking financially and militarily, that still outlying the US. In addition to the aforementioned contributors, the Chinese government often declares power to other nations specifically to the South of mainland. Thereby, the AUKUS pact has also been put into action. Its aim is to advance technological support along with building nuclear weapons in Australia. Lee (2021) also argued, ‘the AUKUS pact will similarly help reduce doubts about what Australia brings to the table when it comes to the military capability to credibly deter China’. This can be seen as opportunities for democratically elected countries to balance the power with their counterpart. Even so, one of the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told the Beijing press ’China always believes that any regional mechanism should conform to the trend of peace and development of the times and help enhance mutual trust and cooperation. . . It should not target any third party or undermine its interests’. Such a speech elucidates the AUKUS pact should commit to be a self-protection and not for militarily attack purposes at all.
The prolonged
between the US and China has long been a serious tension which impacts
. This essay will
draw attention to why there is a low probability of
declaration in the upcoming decade. Several reasons behind this hypothesis include a concern about resource scarcity, diplomatic issues. This occurs for the reason that mainland China does not identify Taiwan and Hong Kong as separated nations and a high demand for authorities to
as ‘
’s Republic of China’. It is
known as “one China policy
to BBC (2016).
In addition
, as the trend of the global population is
problematic, it is
difficult to disregard how infinite supplies are as a comparison to the
demand. At the
of this literature will be a summary of why I believed in such a manner.
, this academic paper will
provide limitations,
suggestions to formulate qualitative analyses and responses.

War, a means to achieve certain goals through whatever actions necessary, is one of the key importance prior to understanding the history behind the US-China conflict. B,
(1916) stated the definition of
as “conflict between two groups, each of which attempts to kill and maim as
as possible of the
group in order to achieve
object which it desires” This represents an intention of gaining indecisive benefits from
actors/states through violence. Despite that, there are plentiful types of
that happened and
prevail nowadays. These involved
not limited to proxy-war and cyber (technological)
means as battlegrounds. Whilst, in the context of the US and China, they attempt to compete with each
, non-violence ways.

Another crucial feature to judge whether interstate
is conceivable or not
has to
do with build and road initiative. This strategy
was adopted
by Chinese leader, Xi Jin Ping in 2013. The article (
, 2015) [online] denotes this
a bid to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future.
With this intention in mind, this strategy
is laid
out to increase the sphere of Chinese influence and accelerate economic expansion in
regions across the world. This links to the probability of interstate
the more Chinese Biden has initiated the
-called ‘Build Back Better’ framework. The vice president of
in the US has announced that “when it
is signed
into law, the Build Back Better framework will spark innovation and jobs in the US.
directing the level of investments toward the equitable and competitive clean energy economy that businesses, investors, and communities across the U. S. demand”. This implicates how the US
to mitigate social
differentiation and resolve environmental issues corresponding to the development plan in China.

To understand the logic behind the continuous dispute between China and the US, one should take historical context into account. While the roots of controversy did not happen until the establishment of ‘the
’s Republic of China‘ in 1949. As a consequence, their main rival (nationalist party) led by Chiang Kai
had exiled to Taiwan with the US support. A year following the initiation of nationalist party in mainland China, the Korean
in 1950.

At the time, the Chinese
supported the North and demanded for a division while the US aided the South. Ever since, there have been ongoing
that damaged this relationship. These include,
for instance
Ping Pong
diplomacy and
Square Massacre which took place in 1971 and 1989,
, as an evolution of the Chinese economy, military capabilities, cultural and diplomacy. These factors accumulate the fact that China surpassed Japan and became one of the world’s biggest economies in 2010.

This demonstrates how powerful China can be
in spite of
their ranking
, that
outlying the US.

In addition
to the aforementioned contributors, the Chinese
declares power to
to the South of mainland. Thereby, the
pact has
been put
into action. Its aim is to advance technological support along with building nuclear weapons in Australia. Lee (2021)
argued, ‘the
pact will
doubts about what Australia brings to the table when it
to the military capability to
deter China’. This can be
as opportunities for
elected countries to balance the power with their counterpart. Even
, one of the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao
the Beijing press ’China always believes that any regional mechanism should conform to the trend of peace and development of the times and
enhance mutual trust and cooperation.
It should not target any third party or undermine its interests’. Such a speech elucidates the
pact should commit to be a self-protection and not for
attack purposes at all.
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IELTS essay International relations theories and approaches

  American English
7 paragraphs
809 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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