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In this modern age, a country should give the first priority to the development of artificial intelligence to be recognized as a great nation. Others, however, argue that the government should pay much attention to the general welfare of all its people. Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.

In this modern age, a country should give the first priority to the development of artificial intelligence to be recognized as a great nation. Others, however, argue that the government should pay much attention to the general welfare of all its people. Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your viewpoint. V0NNK
In the age of science and technology, many countries have recognized artificial intelligence as a strategic asset that can help them stand out in the race of development. Whereas, others are in favor of concentrating on providing general welfare for its residents. In my opinion, although I agree that promoting well-being is the better option, a portion of budget should be invested in future evolution. To begin with, AI, short for artificial intelligence creates a new era for our society. One country, in particular, Japan has invested a large number of resources into this technology and has seen astounding results from their investments. With an increasing number of businesses and professions developing and advancing AI, this nation has witnessed a gigantic jump in productivity, efficiency, and an extraordinary optimization in material distribution. Besides, AI machines can do many tasks better than people do, especially in the areas that require high level of calculations and operational skills. For instance, medical robots can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than human doctor. Or there are now semi-autonomous using sensors and cameras to drive on their own. Such technologies have improved safety by reducing the likelihood of human-based mistakes. These are only two examples, and it is easy to imagine how artificial intelligence will steadily raise the quality of life. On the other hand, the cost of setting up and executing such innovations in technology is immensely high. But for this illogical payment, the government could have satisfied many other urgent requirements of dwellers. Chiefly, there are some sectors of our society where the population lives in poverty and is devoid of resources such as safe food, clean water, and sheds. Furthermore, money should be saved for future disasters as well. To amplify, the world is still going through deadly coronavirus attacks and investments should be spent on medical care for saving millions of people. Without that, how the government would be able to facilitate essential needs for the sick? In conclusion, artificial intelligence seems extremely beneficial If a nation’s budget can afford it but it is advisable for the government of underdeveloped countries to give priority to residential welfare.
In the age of science and
countries have recognized artificial
as a strategic asset that can
them stand out in the race of development. Whereas, others are in favor of concentrating on providing general welfare for its residents. In my opinion, although I
that promoting well-being is the better option, a portion of budget should
be invested
in future evolution.

with, AI, short for artificial
creates a new era for our society. One country,
in particular
, Japan has invested
a large number of
resources into this
and has
astounding results from their investments. With an increasing number of businesses and professions developing and advancing AI, this nation has witnessed a gigantic jump in productivity, efficiency, and an extraordinary optimization in material distribution.
, AI machines can do
tasks better than
in the areas that require high level of calculations and operational
For instance
, medical robots can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than human doctor. Or there are
semi-autonomous using sensors and cameras to drive on their
. Such
safety by reducing the likelihood of human-based mistakes. These are
two examples, and it is easy to imagine how artificial
raise the quality of life.

On the other hand
, the cost of setting up and executing such innovations in
for this illogical payment, the
could have satisfied
other urgent requirements of dwellers.
, there are
sectors of our society where the population
in poverty and is devoid of resources such as safe food, clean water, and sheds.
, money should
be saved
for future disasters
as well
. To amplify, the world is
going through deadly coronavirus attacks and investments should
be spent
on medical care for saving millions of
. Without that, how the
would be able to facilitate essential needs for the sick?

In conclusion
, artificial
beneficial If a nation’s budget can afford it
it is advisable for the
of underdeveloped countries to give priority to residential welfare.
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IELTS essay In this modern age, a country should give the first priority to the development of artificial intelligence to be recognized as a great nation. Others, however, argue that the government should pay much attention to the general welfare of all its people. Present your perspective on this issue, using relevant reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.

  American English
4 paragraphs
358 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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