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Everybody should spend at least 1 year abroad

Everybody should spend at least 1 year abroad Grjrj
Traveling is a great choice for individuals looking to spend a quality time. It benefits people in many ways. Personally, I think that everyone should spend cumulatively at least 1 year abroad. To begin with, travelling is an indispensable source of learning about the world. It is a great way to broaden the horizons of knowledge and learn more about cultural differences. Travelling gives a unique opportunity to make a comparison of cultural traits in different nations, which helps to enrich knowledge and have a more profound understanding of the world. Travelers can find out more about national cuisines or interesting places to go to and share the knowledge with people from their homeland. Moreover, most cities have a huge number of guided tours, where a trained professional will take you to the most fascinating places and will give a lecture about the most interesting aspects of the city. I think that it is a great initiative or hobby to start travelling even for a short period of time, because it gives a different perspective. In addition, going on trips with relatives and family significantly strengthen relationships. The shared experience of spending unforgettable days in new places, getting to know locals and their traditions around the world, will remain with a person for a long time. It is easier to learn more about each other, discussing and sharing the impressions of the journey. My personal experience is a compelling example of aforementioned situation. My family and I travel every next year, and always feel satisfied reminiscing about it. During the trips we bond and learn new interesting about one another. For example, my father and I prefer more passive recreation, compared to my mom and sisters, who want to try everything. I would recommend every family to go on a journey every once in a while. In conclusion, I strongly believe that everyone should travel abroad at least a for a year during their life.
Traveling is a great choice for individuals looking to spend a quality time. It benefits
, I
that everyone should spend
at least 1 year abroad.

with, travelling is an indispensable source of learning about the world. It is a great way to broaden the horizons of knowledge and learn more about cultural differences. Travelling gives a unique opportunity to
a comparison of cultural traits in
nations, which
to enrich knowledge and have a more profound understanding of the world. Travelers can find out more about national cuisines or interesting places to go to and share the knowledge with
from their homeland.
, most cities have a huge number of guided tours, where a trained professional will take you to the most fascinating places and will give a lecture about the most interesting aspects of the city. I
that it is a great initiative or hobby to
travelling even for a short period of time,
it gives a

In addition
, going on trips with relatives and family
strengthen relationships. The shared experience of spending unforgettable days in new places, getting to know locals and their traditions around the world, will remain with a person for a long time. It is easier to learn more about each other, discussing and sharing the impressions of the journey. My personal experience is a compelling example of aforementioned situation. My family and I travel every
year, and always feel satisfied reminiscing about it. During the trips we bond and learn new interesting about one another.
For example
, my father and I prefer more passive recreation, compared to my mom and sisters, who want to try everything. I would recommend every family to go on a journey every once in a while.

In conclusion
, I
believe that everyone should travel abroad at least a for a year during their life.
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IELTS essay Everybody should spend at least 1 year abroad

  American English
4 paragraphs
325 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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