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difference between the lowest paid jobs and the highest paid jobs should be reduced

difference between the lowest paid jobs and the highest paid jobs should be reduced jV3RX
There is a great deal of difference between the amount that the wealthiest and the poorest workers earn in many countries nowadays. The question of whether this pay gap should be made smaller is therefore a frequent topic of discussion when people talk about the issue of equality in society. It is also believed that the minimum salaried professions need to be studied and have some rules and regulations set up by government or judiciary body to maintain the difference between with those of the highly remunerated works. In the contrary, some organization or institution whether a private or government firms could not accept such kind of theory in general. Because, as they reason out any aspect of the problems. The first thing is the incapability of paying too much money as the firms do not have enough capital. Thus their role is to minimize the expenditure and be more productive by setting aside this issue and require for exploiting manpower deliberately. This is mostly concerns the private companies. On the second hand, when we talk about government institutions. The payment methods vary from one another and they cannot afford to pay as their revenue suffering. This is the biggest problem what the government itself should regulate the scale between them. As a rule, this is studied and declared officially but it must be corrected and revised in the future to so as to create a balance. By doing that, for example, the degree of the payment would be equivalent and satisfy the least privileged wagers. And, it would be better off boosting the livelihood of the peoples as well as even the government’s economy on the other hand. In my point of view, these problems should be profoundly studied and examined to alleviate once. The raise of the amount of salary for such jobs needs to be put into consideration by concerning bodies. This may help to motivate the people who own the job and augment the countries value as a whole. To conclude, I am not in the ground to oppose highly paid professions as we are talking about the purpose of raising the stipend. But, I would expect the administration body or authorities should discuss and articulate the fees variance in their regulation. In accordance with this, the private organizations should also evaluate their hiring system which proportionate with the payment they intend to pay.
There is a great deal of difference between the amount that the wealthiest and the poorest workers earn in
countries nowadays.
The question of whether
this pay gap should
be made
smaller is
a frequent topic of discussion when
talk about the issue of equality in society.

It is
believed that the minimum salaried professions need to
be studied
and have
and regulations set up by
or judiciary body to maintain the difference between with those of the
remunerated works. In the contrary,
organization or institution whether a private or
firms could not accept such kind of theory
in general
, as they reason out any aspect of the problems. The
thing is the incapability of paying too much money as the firms do not have
their role is to minimize the expenditure and be more productive by setting aside this issue and require for exploiting manpower
. This is
concerns the private

On the second hand, when we talk about
institutions. The payment methods vary from one
another and
they cannot afford to pay as their revenue suffering. This is the biggest problem what the
itself should regulate the scale between them. As a
, this
is studied
and declared
be corrected
and revised in the future to
so as to
create a balance. By doing that,
for example
, the degree of the payment would be equivalent and satisfy the least privileged wagers. And, it would be better off boosting the livelihood of the peoples
as well
as even the
on the other hand

In my point of view, these problems should be
studied and examined to alleviate once. The raise of the amount of salary for such jobs needs to
be put
into consideration by concerning bodies. This may
to motivate the
the job and augment the countries value as a whole.

To conclude
, I am not in the ground to oppose
paid professions as we are talking about the purpose of raising the stipend.
, I would
the administration body or authorities should discuss and articulate the
variance in their regulation. In accordance with this, the private organizations should
evaluate their hiring system which proportionate with the payment they intend to pay.
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IELTS essay difference between the lowest paid jobs and the highest paid jobs should be reduced

  American English
5 paragraphs
398 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
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    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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