The graph compares the information about the principal resources of energy from 1980 to 1990 in the USA. Units are measured in percentage. It can be concluded from the graph that the oil kept its dominance, however it experienced a downward trend over the provided period, while hydroelectric and nuclear power registered by far the lowest percentages. In detail, in 1980, the utilization of oil and coal in the United States of America was much more higher, standing at 42% and 22% respectively. Although the figure for coal increased to more than a quarter, oil saw a considerable reduction and reached at 33% in the year of 1990. In terms of natural gas, it declined from 26% to a quarter between 1980 and 1990, while nuclear and hydroelectric power saw an identical rate at about 5% in 1980. Following year, the demand for nuclear power had grown to 10% as opposed to hydroelectric energy, since it stayed the same level as in 1980. The two pie charts demonstrate the primary sources of elecricity to supply USA citizens between 1980 and 1990. Units are measured in percentages.
Overall, at first glance, it is evident that the greatest percentages of energy harnessed from oil and natural gas, whereas, hydroelectric power and nucl...