The two pie chart compares the percentile of travelers to commute to university for work or study from 2004 to 2009 using five different transport methods. In general, the car and bus were the most preferable vehicles in the year 2004 and 2009 with the maximum percentage.
In 2004, just over half of the commuters (51%) traveling to university used cars as the main mode of transport whereas the second most favorable traveling method was a bus with 33% of the total.
However, the figure for car users experienced a sharp downfall in the ratio with over a quarter (28%). On the other side, after the five-year period, the percentage of bus-based travelers rise by 11% from the previous ratio. This trend of preferring bus over car could be attributed to installing new bus stop in 2006 and alternation to the car park in 2008.
An upward pattern was observed in the proportion of pedestrians, train passengers, and bicycle riders. Marginally more people chose to travel train or walked to the university from 2004 to 2009. These are the least favored by travelers.
The two pie chart compares the percentile of travelers to commute to university for work or study from 2004 to 2009 using five
transport methods.
In general
, the
and bus were the most preferable vehicles in the year 2004 and 2009 with the maximum percentage.
In 2004,
over half of the commuters (51%) traveling to university
as the main mode of transport whereas the second most favorable traveling method was a bus with 33% of the total.
, the figure for
users experienced a sharp downfall in the ratio with over a quarter (28%). On the other side, after the five-year period, the percentage of bus-based travelers rise by 11% from the previous ratio. This trend of preferring bus over
be attributed
to installing new bus
in 2006 and alternation to the
park in 2008.
An upward pattern
was observed
in the proportion of pedestrians, train passengers, and bicycle riders.
chose to travel train or walked to the university from 2004 to 2009. These are the least favored by travelers.