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The table shows the average annual percentages of water pollution in four large cities in 2003.

The table shows the average annual percentages of water pollution in four large cities in 2003. DNGPA
Given is the table illustrating the regular rate of polluted water by four main cities around 2003. It is clear from the table that water in almost countries was spent the most on Domestic Sewage. By contrast, Phosphates in detergents was the category receiving the least expenditure. For the Domestic Sewage, the rate of waste in Sao Paulo was highest, at 65%, while, the figure for this purpose in Taipei was significantly lower, at 50%. In New York, it occupied 41% by this factor of the total expenditure. Meanwhile, the percentage of the water pollution for was sewage in Tokyo was the lowest, at 23%. The proportion of the phosphates in detergents was highest in New York, at 34%, while, the figure for Sao Paulo was lowest, at 6%. In terms of Erosion, the percentage of expenditure on this category in Tokyo was higher than other countries, at 23%. By contrast, spending on this item in Taipei and New York made up the same smallest proportion, at 12%. On top of that, the water pollution for pesticides was foremost in Tokyo, at 31%, in comparison, only 9% of pesticides used in Sao Paulo of the total spending in this category.
is the table illustrating the regular rate of polluted
by four main cities around 2003.

It is
from the table that
in almost countries
was spent
the most on Domestic Sewage. By contrast, Phosphates in detergents was the category receiving the least expenditure.

For the Domestic Sewage, the rate of waste in
Sao Paulo
was highest, at 65%, while, the figure for this purpose in Taipei was
lower, at 50%. In New York, it occupied 41% by this factor of the total expenditure. Meanwhile, the percentage of the
pollution for was sewage in Tokyo was the lowest, at 23%.

The proportion of the phosphates in detergents was highest in New York, at 34%, while, the figure for
Sao Paulo
was lowest, at 6%. In terms of Erosion, the percentage of expenditure on this category in Tokyo was higher than other countries, at 23%. By contrast, spending on this item in Taipei and New York made up the same smallest proportion, at 12%.
On top of that
, the
pollution for pesticides was foremost in Tokyo, at 31%,
in comparison
9% of pesticides
Sao Paulo
of the total spending in this category.
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IELTS academic The table shows the average annual percentages of water pollution in four large cities in 2003.

  American English
4 paragraphs
200 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 5.5
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
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Task Achievement: 5.0
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