The pie charts illustrate the principal ways of accessing news 2003 and 2010
In 2003, the most prominent feature is Radio, in 2010, it is from an online source.
Radio usage in 2003, is maximum at 40%, followed by not speciefed sources at 36%. In contrast, in 2010, these two resources swap the position, Online sources being maximum at 52% followed by Radio at 37%.
Turning to the other sectors, Online is 14% in 2003 and 52% in 2010. not specified produce 36% of information in 2003 and 2% in 2010. Indicates of Tv is alternative with print and not specified which this is in 2010. Print have 7% in both 2003 and 2010. Similarly, listening to the news on the radio is preferred by more people in 2003 than in 2010
The pie charts illustrate the principal ways of accessing news 2003 and 2010
In 2003, the most prominent feature is Radio, in 2010, it is from an online source.
Radio usage in 2003, is maximum at 40%, followed by not
sources at 36%.
In contrast
, in 2010, these two resources swap the position, Online sources being maximum at 52% followed by Radio at 37%.
Turning to the other sectors, Online is 14% in 2003 and 52% in 2010.
specified produce 36% of information in 2003 and 2% in 2010. Indicates of
is alternative with print and not specified which this is in 2010. Print have 7% in both 2003 and 2010.
, listening to the news on the radio
is preferred
by more
in 2003 than in 2010