The line graph illustrates the proportion of University students aged 18 to 25 in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine and Thailand between 1961 and 2011.
Overall, these four different countries all witnessed an increment in the number of adults aged 18-25 studied at Universities in the given period. The figure for Singaporean and Thai students in this age were higher than Philippian and Malaysian ones.
There was a gradual growth of 18-25 year olds attended Universities in Malaysia, starting at about 2% and reached 15% in 1991, which remained stable until 2011. By contrast, the Philippines leveled off nearly two decades from 1961 at 7%, before rose rapidly to 20% in 2011.
The medium of the students ages from 18 to 25 experienced a significant increase in numbers with the fluctuation, starting at 15% which was double Philippines’ one in 1961 and grew to 40% in 2011. On the other hand, in 1961, there was 25% of Thais aged 18-25 studied after high school. This figure declined gradually and hit the lowest point in 1991 at 20%, before dramatically went up by roughly 25% in 2011.
The line graph illustrates the proportion of University students aged 18 to 25 in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine and Thailand between 1961 and 2011.
, these four
countries all witnessed an increment in the number of adults aged 18-25 studied at Universities in the
period. The figure for Singaporean and Thai students in this age were higher than Philippian and Malaysian ones.
There was a gradual growth of 18-25 year olds attended Universities in Malaysia, starting at about 2% and reached 15% in 1991, which remained stable until 2011. By contrast, the Philippines leveled off
two decades from 1961 at 7%,
to 20% in 2011.
The medium of the students ages from 18 to 25 experienced a significant increase in numbers with the fluctuation, starting at 15% which was double Philippines’ one in 1961 and grew to 40% in 2011.
On the other hand
, in 1961, there was 25% of Thais aged 18-25 studied after high school. This figure declined
and hit the lowest point in 1991 at 20%,
went up by roughly 25% in 2011.