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The graphs belows shows the percentage of people going to the cinema once a month

The graphs belows shows the percentage of people going to the cinema once a month wxr2q
The line chart illustrates the proportion of people from 4 age groups who go out for movie monthly in Great Britain within 16 years, starting from 1984. Overall, there was an increase in the number of cinemas’ customers, with the percentage of youngsters whose age ranges from 15 to 24 dominating throughout the period. Meanwhile, their 35-and-plus counterparts constituted the least in the total of the questioned. The share of the young people started at around 18%, after which it experienced a threefold rise to nearly 60% in 2000. A similar change, but to a lesser extent, is seen in the figures for those in their mid-30s or older, which gradually rose from 0% to over 5% a decade later. After that, it tripled to 15% at the end of the period. 10% was the share of the customers aged 14 and under in 1984, with subsequent remarkable growth to an approximate 40% in 1999, followed by a final drop of 8% in 2000. In the meantime, the figures for those paying for the cinema services at the age of 25-35 had a starting point of 4%, which grew and reached a plateau of 24% from 1994 to 1999. It then ended the period at an equivalent of 31% to the corresponding figures for the children.
The line chart illustrates the proportion of
from 4 age groups who go out for movie monthly in Great Britain within 16 years, starting from 1984.

, there was an increase in the number of cinemas’ customers, with the percentage of youngsters whose age ranges from 15 to 24 dominating throughout the period. Meanwhile, their 35-and-plus counterparts constituted the least in the total of the questioned.

The share of the young
at around 18%, after which it experienced a threefold rise to
60% in 2000. A similar
to a lesser extent, is
in the figures for those in their mid-30s or older, which
rose from 0% to over 5% a decade later. After that, it tripled to 15% at the
of the period.

10% was the share of the customers aged 14 and under in 1984, with subsequent remarkable growth to an approximate 40% in 1999, followed by a final drop of 8% in 2000. In the meantime, the figures for those paying for the cinema services at the age of 25-35 had a starting point of 4%, which grew and reached a plateau of 24% from 1994 to 1999. It then ended the period at an equivalent of 31% to the corresponding figures for the children.
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IELTS academic The graphs belows shows the percentage of people going to the cinema once a month

  American English
4 paragraphs
216 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 6.5
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Lexical Resource: 6.5
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
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Task Achievement: 7.0
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