The pictures show the steps involved in the life-cycle of the bee and the process by which honey is produced. Eggs are laid in the honeycomb by queen bee in the first stage of life-cycle, and approximately 72 hours later, larvae emerge. The larvae attain its maturity in seven days after its emergence. It takes another three weeks for the bees, which are transformed from the larval stage to be fully equipped to leave the hive for gathering nectar from flowers. The collected nectar is deposited in the hive, which becomes honey later and the bees leave again in search of nectar. Turning to the honey production process, first of all, beekeepers detach the honeycombs from the hives. Once honey has been extracted with machines, the processed honey is boiled in order to get rid of unwanted bacteria. Following this, cleaned honey is then poured into several jars. Finally, honey jars are distributed to the public where they can meet various demands of customers.
The pictures
the steps involved in the life-cycle of the bee and the process by which honey
is produced
. Eggs
are laid
in the honeycomb by queen bee in the
stage of life-cycle, and approximately 72 hours later, larvae emerge. The larvae attain its maturity in seven days after its emergence. It takes another three weeks for the bees, which
are transformed
from the larval stage to be
equipped to
the hive for gathering nectar from flowers. The collected nectar
is deposited
in the hive, which becomes honey later and the bees
again in search of nectar. Turning to the honey production process,
first of all
, beekeepers
the honeycombs from the hives. Once honey has
been extracted
with machines, the processed honey
is boiled
in order to
rid of unwanted bacteria. Following this, cleaned honey is then poured into several jars.
, honey jars
are distributed
to the public where they can
various demands of customers.