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The chart below shows the information about southlands main exports in 2000,2021 and in 2025

The chart below shows the information about southlands main exports in 2000, 2021 and in 2025 k556n
The following bar graph illustrates the data about Southland’s main exports in three main sectors such as international tourism, dairy products and meat products in 2000, 2021 and also its upcoming projects for 2025. To commence with, international tourism has been gradually increasing from 8 billion euros to 10 billion euros over a given period. In addition to this, exports in dairy items have been fluctuating from past to future. In 2000, it ranged up to 7 billion euros whereas, in 2021, it made the highest profit of 10 billion euros, declining to 9. 5 billion euros in the future. Lastly, meat products have contributed the least to the exports, in 2000, they ranked up to 6 billion euros and decreasing further up to 5. 5 at present. However, in future, it will drop to 5 billion euros. Overall, it is evident that meat production witnessed the minimum export compared to other areas. Moreover, there is an increase in the future for both international tourism and dairy products.
The following bar graph illustrates the data about Southland’s main
in three main sectors such as international tourism, dairy
and meat
in 2000, 2021 and
its upcoming projects for 2025.

To commence with, international tourism has been
increasing from 8
euros to 10
euros over a
In addition
to this,
in dairy items have been fluctuating from past to future. In 2000, it ranged up to 7
euros whereas, in 2021, it made the highest profit of 10
euros, declining to 9. 5
euros in the future.

, meat
have contributed the least to the
, in 2000, they ranked up to 6
euros and decreasing
up to 5. 5 at present.
in future
, it will drop to 5

, it is evident that meat production witnessed the minimum
compared to other areas.
, there is an increase in the future for both international tourism and dairy
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IELTS academic The chart below shows the information about southlands main exports in 2000, 2021 and in 2025

  American English
4 paragraphs
168 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
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  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
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Task Achievement: 6.5
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