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The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices

The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices 55YAV
The following bar chart illustrates the changes in house prices during two spans of periods, 1990-1995 and 1996-2000 and compares with the data in 1989 in five cities: New York, Tokyo, London, Madrid and Frankfurt. At first glance, except Frankfurt, all cities experienced an upward trend in house price. In 1990 to 1995, Madrid and Tokyo had a mere increase by 2% and 3% respectively, whereas New York, Tokyo and London appeared a moderate drop with 5% to 7% compared to the price of 1989. Furthermore, with the next period, London had the most significant change among the five places, a surge of around 12% which was about two-fold of that in New York. Prices in Madrid rose sightly with 4%. Frankfurt’s house price appeared a marginal rise to 1% compared to 1989. On the contrary, Tokyo, the only city remained to show a negative figure, continued to experience its fall in house price to -5%, its prices were still below 1989 levels.
The following bar chart illustrates the
during two spans of periods, 1990-1995 and 1996-2000 and compares with the data in 1989 in five cities: New York, Tokyo, London, Madrid and Frankfurt. At
glance, except Frankfurt, all cities experienced an upward trend in

In 1990 to 1995, Madrid and Tokyo had a mere increase by 2% and 3%
, whereas New York, Tokyo and London appeared a moderate drop with 5% to 7% compared to the
of 1989.

, with the
period, London had the most significant
among the five places, a surge of around 12% which was about two-fold of that in New York.
in Madrid rose
with 4%. Frankfurt’s
appeared a marginal rise to 1% compared to 1989.
On the contrary
, Tokyo, the
city remained to
figure, continued to experience its fall in
to -5%, its
below 1989 levels.
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We should learn languages because language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.
Kató Lomb

IELTS academic The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices

  American English
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Lexical Resource: 5.5
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