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The chart above shows sources of funding for research and development ( R&D) in the UK from 1999 to 2001. The table below shows the percentage of national income spent on R&D for a range of countries.

The chart above shows sources of funding for research and development ( R&D) in the UK from 1999 to 2001. The table below shows the percentage of national income spent on R&D for a range of countries. kLgkM
The given chart illustrates the percentage of sources of funding for the purpose of research and development in the UK over 2 years between 1999 and 2001 and the table highlights how much national budget was contributed to R&D for a range of countries. Overall, what stands out from the given chart is that the largest funding for R&D in the UK came from business, while, the most striking feature of the table is that the countries that allocated the largest domestic budget to R&D were the USA, Japan, Germany, and France in order. In terms of sources of funding for R&D in the UK during the period of 1999 to 2001, the contribution of business witnessed a steady increase, standing at around two thirds 48% in 1999, followed by a mild rise with just over a half (52%) at the end of the period. Conversely, there was a slight leveling off at about a very large minority between 17% and 19% in both state and foreign funds. Subsequently, looking at the details from the given table, Japan appeared to be the country that spent the largest state budget on R&D with a modest 2. 9%, making it higher than the figure of the USA at 2. 75%, the second most allocated income to R&D in 1999. Similarly, the least public funds which contributed to R&D came from Italy at a tiny minority of 1. 1%, this rate constituted a half as high as that in Germany and France at 2. 4% and 2. 3% respectively
chart illustrates the percentage of sources of funding for the purpose of research and development in the UK over 2 years between 1999 and 2001 and the table highlights how much national budget
was contributed
to R&D for a range of countries.

, what stands out from the
chart is that the largest funding for R&D in the UK came from business, while, the most striking feature of the table is that the countries that allocated the largest domestic budget to R&D were the USA, Japan, Germany, and France in order.

In terms of sources of funding for R&D in the UK during the period of 1999 to 2001, the contribution of business witnessed a steady increase, standing at around two thirds 48% in 1999, followed by a mild rise with
over a half (52%) at the
of the period.
, there was a slight leveling off at about a
large minority between 17% and 19% in both state and foreign funds.

, looking at the
from the
table, Japan appeared to be the country that spent the largest state budget on R&D with a modest 2. 9%, making it higher than the figure of the USA at 2. 75%, the second most allocated income to R&D in 1999.
, the least public funds which contributed to R&D came from Italy at a tiny minority of 1. 1%, this rate constituted a half as high as that in Germany and France at 2. 4% and 2. 3%
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IELTS academic The chart above shows sources of funding for research and development ( R&D) in the UK from 1999 to 2001. The table below shows the percentage of national income spent on R&D for a range of countries.

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