the bar chart depicts the number of expected passengers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico visiting famous destinations such as Roma, Marid, Paris, and Liverpool.
the bar chart depicts the number of expected passengers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico visiting famous destinations such as Roma, Marid, Paris, and Liverpool. 5ApJV
In the year 2018, the bar chart depicts the number of expected passengers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico visiting famous destinations such as Roma, Marid, Paris, and Liverpool.
It is clear that American visitors account for the largest number in each of the four cities in2018, while Mexican visitors account for the lowest number in all but Paris during the same year. According to the graph, Marid is the most popular tourist destination in the United States, with over 100, 000 visitors, while the figure for Roma is roughly 20% lower. In terms of the remaining cities, the number of Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans visiting Paris varies between 62 and 64 thousand individuals, while the statistics for Liverpool are about 50, 30 and 19 thousand persons during the same time period.
In the year 2018, the bar chart depicts the
passengers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico visiting
destinations such as Roma,
, Paris, and Liverpool.
It is
that American visitors account for the largest
in each of the four cities in2018, while Mexican visitors account for the lowest
in all
Paris during the same year. According to the graph,
is the most popular tourist destination in the United States, with over 100, 000 visitors, while the figure for Roma is roughly 20% lower. In terms of the remaining cities, the
of Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans visiting Paris varies between 62 and 64 thousand individuals, while the statistics for Liverpool are about 50, 30 and 19 thousand persons during the same time period.