Tendency of the USA citizens to have quick meals at restaurants
Tendency of the USA citizens to have quick meals at restaurants WEgQk
Tendency of the USA citizens to have quick meals at restaurants, is demonstrated in percentage. The chart mainly presents how often people had been served at the premises during the years 2003, 2006, and 2013.
Overall, the first and the last groups acquired the least percentage among the Americans. More specifically, people who eat fast-food either daily or never, were not more than 5 per cent for these particular years. However, the third and forth categories, those eating at fast-food outlets once a week or "once or twice a month", were the largest group of inhabitants, presenting 25 per cent and above in any of the three years. Besides, in the current groups, "once a week" regularity gained it's extreme level in 2006, and "once or twice a month" prevalence obtained it's peek stage in 2013, namely over 32 per cent, identical for both. On the other hand, as a moderate portrays, approximately between 15 to 20 per cent of Americans, consumed quick meals at restaurants either a few times a year or several times a week, in all the three years.
Tendency of the USA citizens to have quick meals at restaurants,
is demonstrated
in percentage. The chart
presents how
been served
at the premises during the years 2003, 2006, and 2013.
, the
and the last groups acquired the least percentage among the Americans. More
who eat
-food either daily or never, were not more than 5 per cent for these particular years.
, the third and forth categories, those eating at
-food outlets
a week or
once or twice a month
, were the largest group of inhabitants, presenting 25 per cent and above in any of the three years.
, in the
once a week
regularity gained it's extreme level in 2006, and
once or twice a month
prevalence obtained
peek stage in 2013,
over 32 per cent, identical for both.
On the other hand
, as a moderate portrays, approximately
between 15 to 20
per cent of Americans, consumed quick meals at restaurants either a few times a
or several times a week, in all the three years.