The bar chart compares the percentage of ltteracy levels in 16 countries in 2004. It is also noticeable that there was a lowest rate in Sierra leone, while mainly other countries had ability to read and write.
The percentage of literacy in Georgia and Slovakia were highest, at around 100%, which was twofold higher than the statistic for Parkistan. Meanwhile, the figure for Israel stood at about 99%, whilst the data for Colombia reached roughly 90%. By contrast, the proportions of literacy levels in Mexico and Indonesia were equal (approximately 87%), as the that of Slera leone was much lower, at nearly 38%.
Significantly, the percentages of literacy in Qatar and Brazil in range of 82% and 81%, compared with those of Peru and Turkey were an equal (around 83%). However, the proportion of Tunisla was 78% being 28% higher than the figure for Haiti. Notably, the that of Syria stood at nearly 80%, which was much higher than the data for Cambodia (about 78%).
The bar chart compares the percentage of
levels in 16 countries in 2004. It is
noticeable that there was
lowest rate in
Sierra leone
, while
other countries had ability to read and write.
The percentage of literacy in Georgia and Slovakia were highest, at around 100%, which was twofold higher than the statistic for
. Meanwhile, the figure for Israel stood at about 99%, whilst the data for Colombia reached roughly 90%. By contrast, the proportions of literacy levels in Mexico and Indonesia were equal (approximately 87%), as the that of
was much lower, at
, the percentages of literacy in Qatar and Brazil in range of 82% and 81%, compared with those of Peru and Turkey were an equal (around 83%).
, the proportion of
was 78% being 28% higher than the figure for Haiti.
, the that of Syria stood at
80%, which was much higher than the data for Cambodia (about 78%).