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Bar chart for waste disposal comparison between 4 cities

The above bar graph which illustrates the comparison of percentages of four cities on how they dispose the waster for their citizens. Starting with the method Landfill, Toronto tops the chart compared to other cities. In incineration Kuala Lumpur stands tall with highest percentage amongst all. Whereas Madrid and Kuala Lumpur are leader is recycling. Madrid occupies the top chair in compositing procedure of trash removal. Toronto uses about 75% of landfill technique in order to dispose the trash followed by Amman by 50%. Madrid uses this technique around 28% while Kuala Lumpur sits at the bottom with 15%. Kuala Lumpur relies on incineration method for trash disposal by 55%, this technique is practiced by Madrid and Amman with having percentage of 40 and 38 respectively, Toronto uses incineration 65% less than land fill. Recycling method is broadly used in Kuala Lumpur and Madrid with 35% making them stand the top followed by Amman which practices this technique by 10% for waste disposal. Toronto uses this technique the least when compared to others by 7%. All the cities use low amount of compositing with Madrid topping the chart with less margin and Amman uses this least barely making 2%. Above points provides the complete analysis of the bar chat referring to the waste disposal by these 4 cities.
The above bar graph which illustrates the comparison of percentages of four
on how they dispose the waster for their citizens.

Starting with the method Landfill, Toronto tops the chart compared to other
. In incineration Kuala Lumpur stands tall with
percentage amongst all. Whereas Madrid and Kuala Lumpur are leader is recycling. Madrid occupies the top chair in compositing procedure of trash removal.

about 75% of landfill
in order to dispose the trash followed by Amman by 50%. Madrid
around 28% while Kuala Lumpur sits at the bottom with 15%. Kuala Lumpur relies on incineration method for trash disposal by 55%, this
is practiced
by Madrid and Amman with having percentage of 40 and 38
, Toronto
incineration 65% less than land fill.

Recycling method is
in Kuala Lumpur and Madrid with 35% making them stand the top followed by Amman which practices this
by 10% for waste disposal. Toronto
the least when compared to others by 7%. All the
low amount of compositing with Madrid topping the chart with less margin and Amman
this least
making 2%.

Above points
the complete analysis of the bar chat referring to the waste disposal by these 4
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IELTS academic Bar chart for waste disposal comparison between 4 cities

  American English
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