Dear Mis Isha Mam, I am Tarun Radadiya, I was pass out in 2015, one of your past student. I am writing for your reference for the job. I am applying to job in MNC company, I hope you would be writing me recommendation latter. I pleaser inform to you I am applying to designated team lead in MNC company amazon, this is my dream job. I always thing about this job and working in most value able company in the world. I will catch this opportunity and never lost this opportunity at any cost. I will take most value able experience in this company for the bright career. One of the requirements of reference latter from my past school for applying this job, If you give me the reference latter some my basic information about me and my studies also my behavior. The company need this latter on most urgent basis. I would be request to you provide the latter for my bright future. Dear Mis Isha Mam,
I am Tarun Radadiya, I was pass out in 2015, one of your past student. I am writing for your reference for the job. I am applying to job in MNC company, I hope you would be writing me recommendation latter.
I pleaser inform to you I am applying to designated team lead in MNC com...