Many believe that studying in another country is largely beneficial for the home provincial of the scholar in question. In my opinion, the losses entailed by these students potentially emigrating are outweighed by the expertise they often bring back. Critics of this contention argue that many of the best and brightest students never return to their bucolic of origin. This is especially the case as it regards developing countries, including both ordinary and famous examples. The average student from a developing nation that studies abroad in the United States or Europe, will likely have the opportunity to pursue a career there. Once hired by a company, there is a clear pathway to residency and even citizenship in the future. Since these junior must meet higher admission requirements, it logically follows that a significant percentage will never return and share their newly acquired expertise with their fellow citizens. Nonetheless, the instances above are rare and there are tangib Many believe that studying in another country is largely beneficial for the home provincial of the scholar in question. In my opinion, the losses entailed by these students potentially emigrating are outweighed by the expertise they often bring back.
Critics of this contention argue that many of th...