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Whether the government should invest in supporting the elder’s life or substantially spend the budget on educating the young generation is still a matter of discussion. From my perspective, both aspects of society need to prioritize equally. On the one hand, the elderly deserve a great amount of attention because they provide the latter community the foundation to develop. The old generation dedicated their life to explore, research, and initially build the country and its economy. Without the hard work of the previous generation, the country would not develop as today. Therefore, to take care of the old people is a token to show the social respect, admiration, and commemoration. The government’s duty is to provide aged-group with various support as they are the infirm segment of the population. When elderly suffer from various health problems and can no longer scrape a living, they must place the reliance on external financial support, especially the government. As a result, free he

Whether the government should invest in supporting the elder’s life or substantially spend the budget on educating the young generation is still a matter of discussion. From my perspective, both aspects of society need to prioritize equally. On the one hand, the elderly deserve a great amount of attention because they provide the latter community the foundation to develop. The old generation dedicated their life to explore, research, and initially build the country and its economy. Without the hard work of the previous generation, the country would not develop as today. Therefore, to take care of the old people is a token to show the social respect, admiration, and commemoration. The government’s duty is to provide aged-group with various support as they are the infirm segment of the population. When elderly suffer from various health problems and can no longer scrape a living, they must place the reliance on external financial support, especially the government. As a result, free he LlRwr
Whether the government should invest in supporting the elder’s life or substantially spend the budget on educating the young generation is still a matter of discussion. From my perspective, both aspects of society need to prioritize equally. On the one hand, the elderly deserve a great amount of attention because they provide the latter community the foundation to develop. The old generation dedicated their life to explore, research, and initially build the country and its economy. Without the hard work of the previous generation, the country would not develop as today. Therefore, to take care of the old people is a token to show the social respect, admiration, and commemoration. The government’s duty is to provide aged-group with various support as they are the infirm segment of the population. When elderly suffer from various health problems and can no longer scrape a living, they must place the reliance on external financial support, especially the government. As a result, free health care and a certain amount of pension to maintain the life quality are the fundamental demands of almost every old people. On the other hand, the education of the children is also crucial since they are considered the backbone of a nation’s economy. With the comprehensive academic curriculum and the proper soft skills training that the government provides them with, the youth can fully perform their abilities and potential. As a result, the elite sources from the young age group can help the country to develop further, satisfy the expectations of the government. How the future world operates depends on how effective we have done to educate the youth and exploit their potential. Proper education creates the correct orientations and the combination of it with creativity constitute an excellent individuals. In conclusion, both elder and young people worth receiving the allocation from the government. Therefore, they need to balance the funding spent on both mentioned groups.
Whether the
should invest in supporting the elder’s life or
spend the budget on educating the young generation is
a matter of discussion. From my perspective, both aspects of society need to prioritize

On the one hand, the elderly deserve a great amount of attention
they provide the latter community the foundation to develop. The
generation dedicated their life to explore, research, and
build the country and its economy. Without the
work of the previous generation, the country would not develop as
, to take care of the
is a token to
the social respect, admiration, and commemoration. The
duty is to provide aged-group with various support as they are the infirm segment of the population. When elderly suffer from various health problems and can no longer scrape a living, they
place the reliance on external financial support,
As a result
, free health care and a certain amount of pension to maintain the life quality are the fundamental demands of almost every

On the other hand
, the education of the children is
crucial since they
are considered
the backbone of a nation’s economy. With the comprehensive academic curriculum and the proper soft
training that the
provides them with, the youth can
perform their abilities and potential.
As a result
, the elite sources from the young age group can
the country to develop
, satisfy the expectations of the
. How the future world operates depends on how effective we have done to educate the youth and exploit their potential. Proper education creates the correct orientations and the combination of it with creativity constitute an excellent

In conclusion
, both elder and young
worth receiving the allocation from the
, they need to balance the funding spent on both mentioned groups.
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IELTS essay Whether the government should invest in supporting the elder’s life or substantially spend the budget on educating the young generation is still a matter of discussion. From my perspective, both aspects of society need to prioritize equally. On the one hand, the elderly deserve a great amount of attention because they provide the latter community the foundation to develop. The old generation dedicated their life to explore, research, and initially build the country and its economy. Without the hard work of the previous generation, the country would not develop as today. Therefore, to take care of the old people is a token to show the social respect, admiration, and commemoration. The government’s duty is to provide aged-group with various support as they are the infirm segment of the population. When elderly suffer from various health problems and can no longer scrape a living, they must place the reliance on external financial support, especially the government. As a result, free he

  American English
4 paragraphs
316 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 6.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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