The process reveals the information about manufacturing the sugar by a German industry for Supermarkets and Restaurants. Overall, it can be clearly seen that there are total 8 steps to produce sugar. However, this process is lengthy. The method begins with harvesting the sugarcanes and ends with delivering to Supermarkets and Restaurants. In the initial step of production of sugar, the sugarcanes are harvested by farmers in tropical regions. Then after, the sugarcanes are passed through the crusher to collect juice. In the third step, the raw sugar is collected by partial filteration, which is shipped to German by a plane. In the next step, the raw sugar is melted and filtered where the purification is completed. Furthermore, sugar syrup is converted into small size particals, which is called Crystalization. In the following step, the sugar crystals are sent for drying. Next, the dried sugar crystals are moved for packaging. Lastly, the packages of dried sugar are delivered to supe