The pictorial illustration compares the percentage of users of 7 different dialects in the years 2000 and 2015. Overall, English was the most popular language, and the Chinese bagged the second position in both years.
English led the race in 2000 and 2015 with 38% and 34% of the users, respectively. In 2000, the Chinese and German had the same ratio of close to 14% in each case. Similarly, the same trend appeared in the case of French and Spanish, where each accounted for 9%. Additionally, the remaining 15% distributed between Japanese and Italian with the ratio of 2: 1, and these were the least preferred amongst the various languages.
In contrast, the proportion of the Japanese and Italian decreased slightly in 2015 (8% and 4% sequentially). Likewise, a similar drop happened in German and Spanish consumers by 1%. However, the Chinese and French saw a significant incline in the ratio.
The pictorial illustration compares the percentage of users of 7
dialects in the years 2000 and 2015.
, English was the most popular language, and the Chinese bagged the second position in both years.
English led the race in 2000 and 2015 with 38% and 34% of the users,
. In 2000, the Chinese and German had the same ratio of close to 14% in each case.
, the same trend appeared in the case of French and Spanish, where each accounted for 9%.
, the remaining 15% distributed between Japanese and Italian with the ratio of 2: 1, and these were the least preferred amongst the various languages.
In contrast
, the proportion of the Japanese and Italian decreased
in 2015 (8% and 4%
, a similar drop happened in German and Spanish consumers by 1%.
, the Chinese and French
a significant incline in the ratio.