It cannot be denied that professionals in health and teaching occupation are key to structure the society. However, these careers are underestimated and seem to have low payment and be degraded. In my opinion, these professors should be regarded accordingly and be well-paid.
First of all, medical universities take students a couple of years to learn, to be well-educated and have more experience before they start working. Therefore, if they are not paid well, it can lead to disappointment among them and they will not contribute their work with full enthusiasm and good attitude.
Secondly, educational professors are the one who teach children - the furute generation of each country. And teaching is not a period or a moment, it is a process. If teachers are not satisfied with their salary, this process will be interrupted. Moreover, if this career is still low-paid, many high-school students will not choose it. This can lead to a shortage of workforce and have an adverse effect on the nation's growth.
In conclusion, teachers and hospital staffs shoud be paid more in the light of their extreme importance and the improvement of countries.
It cannot
be denied
that professionals in health and teaching occupation are key to structure the society.
, these careers
are underestimated
and seem to have low payment and
be degraded
. In my opinion, these professors should
be regarded
and be well-paid.
First of all
, medical universities take students a couple of years to learn, to be well-educated and have more experience
, if they are not paid well, it can lead to disappointment among
them and
they will not contribute their work with full enthusiasm and
, educational professors are the one who teach children
generation of each country. And teaching is not a period or a moment, it is a process. If teachers are not satisfied with their salary, this process will
be interrupted
, if this career is
high-school students will not choose it. This can lead to a shortage of workforce and have an adverse effect on the nation's growth.
In conclusion
, teachers and hospital staffs
be paid
more in the light of their extreme importance and the improvement of countries.