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Several countries disburse salaries to jobless persons on a specific time frame basis. Some may say that it shows a positive impact on society, but in my opinion, it shouldn’t be done because it creates laziness among them and decreases the rate of employment.

Several countries disburse salaries to jobless persons on a specific time frame basis. Some may say that it shows a positive impact on society, but in my opinion, it shouldn’t be done because it creates laziness among them and decreases the rate of employment. yX9Pl
Several countries disburse salaries to jobless persons on a specific time frame basis. Some may say that it shows a positive impact on society, but in my opinion, it shouldn’t be done because it creates laziness among them and decreases the rate of employment. Expenditure of the country when they are not at fault is beneficial to the people. By giving money to workers when they are not at work due to unavoidable reasons encourages them to contribute more to the company. For example, several men are injured during an accident in a factory which caused a shutdown and the recovery took a time of three months during which the state paid salary because it is an inevitable situation and employer is not able to pay. However, if the same is paid during a shutdown because of riots, it is a clear case of misuse of funds for state. Therefore, I believe that the situation is to be assessed before making payment to avoid embezzlement of budget. On the other hand, stipend to graduates who are out of work is a disadvantage. By allocating budget to these citizens, the government is making them lazy because they are earning without any stress. In addition, it is a cost to countries to distribute money if the rate of unemployment increases every year. For instance, several degree students are paid stipend every month that are housewives and does not contribute to the income which in turn results in the deficit on the overall economy. Thus, making such payments deflates the growth of the economy if the citizens don’t contribute to the society. In conclusion, I believe that the amount should be distributed among those kinds of people who contribute to the society, despite on that kind which is an unnecessary cost to management. Therefore, I suggest that care should be taken in proper assessment of situations of unemployed.
Several countries disburse salaries to jobless persons on a specific time frame basis.
may say that it
impact on society,
in my opinion, it shouldn’t
be done
it creates laziness among them and decreases the rate of employment.

Expenditure of the country when they are not at fault is beneficial to the
. By giving money to workers when they are not at work due to unavoidable reasons encourages them to
more to the
For example
, several
are injured
during an accident in a factory which caused a shutdown and the recovery took a time of three months during which the state paid salary
it is an inevitable situation and employer is not able to pay.
, if the same
is paid
during a shutdown
of riots, it is a
case of misuse of funds for state.
, I believe that the situation is to
be assessed
making payment to avoid embezzlement of budget.

On the other hand
, stipend to graduates who are out of work is a disadvantage. By allocating budget to these citizens, the
is making them lazy
they are earning without any
In addition
, it is a cost to countries to distribute money if the rate of unemployment increases every year.
For instance
, several degree students
are paid
stipend every month that are housewives and does not
to the income which in turn results in the deficit on the
, making such payments deflates the growth of the economy if the citizens don’t
to the society.

In conclusion
, I believe that the amount should
be distributed
among those kinds of
to the society, despite on that kind which is an unnecessary cost to management.
, I suggest that care should
be taken
in proper assessment of situations of unemployed.
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IELTS essay Several countries disburse salaries to jobless persons on a specific time frame basis. Some may say that it shows a positive impact on society, but in my opinion, it shouldn’t be done because it creates laziness among them and decreases the rate of employment.

  American English
4 paragraphs
315 words
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Coherence and Cohesion: 7.5
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  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
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  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 7.5
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  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 7.5
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Task Achievement: 7.5
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  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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