Page No. Date: YEarma advcinkage cind disadyantuge essay =There is na GAeneral view lbout this essay ) is ubiquitous across the glube due to it's puramaunt impartant Althugh, it hos. plethora of merits as well us demerits. uls which dre gaing to be elaharated in up (amtng denying the fart that the phenomenan of umang individu- > To initiate with the best nassible henetit af it is (wrile muin advantage of Hile.). Alung with it, Capother culivaintkıge O the same). To cite an Prcimple, (urite excimple or its advantages ). As a result, Write positive autlumes of it. 2 Howlever, there ure Certarin draw backs which should be taken under Tonsideration. A Common criticis m Of it is (Hirst disadvantage). Besides this, (amather disadvantage ). Because 1 Such hegative aspects, it (un be asserted' that can eraimple and result). 210 reca pitulater this mater by lansidering it's pros ind Cons, it ian be ccknauledge that CWhat is hetter in this situatian. 4 including usejul dekail.)