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Modern kitchen are suffering from the diseases that will answer consider to be mean for adult only obesity is the major this is peeling time he never it's causes and resolution gandhi offered what is your view discuss

Modern kitchen are suffering from the diseases that will answer consider to be mean for adult only obesity is the major this is peeling time he never it's causes and resolution gandhi offered what is your view discuss VPxQQ
It is generally seen that obesity has become such a pressing threat, in this modern era, especially children, unfortunately, endure some ailments be it overweight, putting on weight at an early age will invite a large number of problems whether in their personal life or in the community. Although it is the alarming concern at it is a mutual onus of both parents and individuals to identify the incentives of this vulnerable disease and offer solutions to rectify it. On the one hand, two prime rationales can be attributed this notion that why is the problem of obesity has become increasingly prevalent. The most predominant one is lack of physical exercise; owing to urbanisation, playgrounds and open spaces vanished, as a result, young one are left with no opportunity to play outdoors and they remain in your playing computer games and watching television which in turm leads to svere problems be it obesity and diabetes. In other words, in the ever-evolving world, prolonged working and studying hours; because of the burden of their heavy curriculum, kids find difficult to find out the time for games or sports which increase the problem. In addition changing food habits also play a role in make children bulky and heavy as more preference is given to fast food instead of homemade food. Unlike these days, traditional and in yesteryears and diet was quite balanced and used to provide an appropriate amount of calories, minerals and fibres which was a rewarding for health. Now due to globalisation fresh leafy vegetables and fruits have virtually disappeared from the plates because ready to cook meal are good to taste and can be easily prepared in no time. It has been proved the time and again the many of these items contain artificial ingredients that can lead to be obesity. On the other hand, to tackle away with this menace, little effort from the part of parents and government is required in this ever-evolving world, most of the children are glued to TV, internet for watching TV shows and playing games therefore it has become the onus of the parents are to keep an eye on their offspring that what sorts of pursuits are being done by them and the enough time is obtained by them to go outdoors. Moreover, parents are the key to solve this weighty problem, hence promoting good habits and preparing balanced is overarching to contend with this problem. Beside the elevator cement diesel for physical fitness should be kept on the bike hire authority in which every person can live hale and healthy. After taking your aforementioned information into consideration, it can be concluded that increasing the problem of obesity lies on the lifestyle of the people, and consequently, it is a possible control this epidemic effectively with the combined efforts.
It is
that obesity has become such a pressing threat, in this modern era,
children, unfortunately, endure
ailments be it overweight, putting on weight at an early age will invite
a large number of
whether in their personal life or in the community. Although it is the alarming concern at it is a mutual onus of both
and individuals to identify the incentives of this vulnerable disease and offer solutions to rectify it. On the one hand, two prime rationales can
be attributed
this notion that why is the
of obesity has become
prevalent. The most predominant one is lack of physical exercise; owing to
, playgrounds and open spaces vanished,
as a result
, young one are
with no opportunity to play
outdoors and
they remain in your playing computer games and watching television which in
leads to
be it obesity and diabetes.
In other words
, in the ever-evolving world, prolonged working and studying hours;
of the burden of their heavy curriculum, kids find difficult to find out the
for games or sports which increase the
. In
changing food habits
play a role in
children bulky and heavy as more preference is
of homemade food. Unlike these days, traditional and in
and diet was quite balanced and
to provide an appropriate amount of calories, minerals and
which was a rewarding for health.
due to
fresh leafy vegetables and fruits have
disappeared from the plates
ready to cook meal are
to taste and can be
prepared in no
. It has
been proved
and again the
of these items contain artificial ingredients that can lead to be obesity.
On the other hand
, to tackle away with this menace,
effort from the part of
is required
in this ever-evolving world, most of the children
are glued
to TV, internet for watching TV
and playing games
it has become the onus of the
are to
an eye on their offspring that what sorts of pursuits are
being done
by them and the
is obtained
by them to go outdoors.
are the key to solve this weighty
habits and preparing balanced is overarching to contend with this
. Beside the elevator cement diesel for physical fitness should be
on the bike hire authority in which every person can
hale and healthy. After taking your aforementioned information into consideration, it can
be concluded
that increasing the
of obesity lies on the lifestyle of the
, and
, it is a possible control this epidemic
with the combined efforts.
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IELTS essay Modern kitchen are suffering from the diseases that will answer consider to be mean for adult only obesity is the major this is peeling time he never it's causes and resolution gandhi offered what is your view discuss

  American English
1 paragraphs
468 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
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    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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