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human lifestyle has been changed vastly by new technologies

human lifestyle has been changed vastly by new technologies Klna0
It is often argued that the human lifestyle has been changed vastly by new technologies, and has tended to be more sedentary, so human well-being could be endangered. I completely agree with this and think that new technologies have become harmful to humans. firstly, sitting for a long time in front of computers could cause excessive obesity which is the origin of chronic diseases. in other words, severe dependency of humans on computers in both fields of work and entertainment could lead to sedentary behavior that is not compatible with human physiology and increases the chances of gaining weight, which has a bad influence on health. for example, according to researches, that has been done in recent years, one of the reasons of type II diabetes is overweight caused by inactivity. thus, the addiction of people to computers makes them obese and could cause sickness. secondly, overusing new technologies might lead to sleep deprivation in individuals and could be injurious for their wellness. to paraphrase, inactivity caused by excessive usage of digital screens, especially cell phones, disrupts the order of the human body and decreases the hours of sleeping, and damages well-being in different ways. For instance, has been proven that one could suffer from high blood pressure because of sleeplessness. so, as a result of working for long hours with digital screens, people may lose their ability to sleep well and in this way, their health could be damaged. in conclusion, I strongly believe developments in the field of technology, have forced harmful ways of living, especially in terms of lesser physical activity, to humans and it has had a bad influence on their health. I have mentioned two of the damages to the human body, including excess weight gain and inadequate sleep which also have side effects.
It is
argued that the
lifestyle has been
by new
, and has tended to be more sedentary,
well-being could
be endangered
. I completely
with this and
that new
have become harmful to humans.

, sitting for a long time in front of computers could cause excessive obesity which is the origin of chronic diseases.
other words, severe dependency of
on computers in both fields of work and entertainment could lead to sedentary behavior
that is
not compatible with
physiology and increases the chances of gaining weight, which has a
influence on health.
example, according to researches, that has
been done
in recent years, one of the reasons of type II diabetes is overweight caused by inactivity.
, the addiction of
to computers
them obese and could cause sickness.

, overusing new
might lead to sleep deprivation in individuals and could be injurious for their wellness.
paraphrase, inactivity caused by excessive usage of digital screens,
cell phones, disrupts the order of the
body and decreases the hours of sleeping, and damages well-being in
For instance
, has
been proven
that one could suffer from high blood pressure
of sleeplessness.
as a result
of working for long hours with digital screens,
may lose their ability to sleep well and in this way, their health could
be damaged

conclusion, I
believe developments in the field of
, have forced harmful ways of living,
in terms of lesser physical activity, to
and it has had a
influence on their health. I have mentioned two of the damages to the
body, including excess weight gain and inadequate sleep which
have side effects.
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IELTS essay human lifestyle has been changed vastly by new technologies

  American English
4 paragraphs
299 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 7.0
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  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
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  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
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Task Achievement: 6.0
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  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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