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Education has been regarded as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient times. It is therefore imperative that we invest deeply in the acquisition of knowledge in regards to higher education to ensure a successful future. The anticipation of going abroad is certainly a thrilling one but the looming anxiety and struggles of setting foot in a foreign land tells us otherwise.

Education has been regarded as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient times. It is therefore imperative that we invest deeply in the acquisition of knowledge in regards to higher education to ensure a successful future. The anticipation of going abroad is certainly a thrilling one but the looming anxiety and struggles of setting foot in a foreign land tells us otherwise. AJrjn
Education has been regarded as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient times. It is therefore imperative that we invest deeply in the acquisition of knowledge in regards to higher education to ensure a successful future. The anticipation of going abroad is certainly a thrilling one but the looming anxiety and struggles of setting foot in a foreign land tells us otherwise. Therefore, some students decide to study locally to maintain a semblance of certainty in a familiar environment back home. Nevertheless, there are certainly benefits and drawbacks of either choice. Going overseas for university study expands a student’s horizons and provides an enriching, international experience along with new insights. Students are pushed outside of their comfort zone to experience another culture, language, environment and education system. It teaches students to appreciate the remarkable differences and diversity firsthand thus enabling them to recognize and dismiss stereotypes they may have previously held. By immersing themselves in different cultures and swiftly adapting to a new way of life, students are able to become more confident and independent through socialisation. In addition, studying abroad enhances employment opportunities. The time spent outside your homeland reflects positively on resumes and increases chances of employment with international and multinational organisations. It also exhibits a student who is mature, self motivated, willing to embrace challenges and able to cope with various problems and situations which sets them apart from the majority of job applicants. Although there is not much difference between local and foreign graduates in terms of qualifications, the soft skills obtained abroad will definitely differentiate them. However, at a time of limited federal, state and local budgets and difficult financial choices, some students prefer to study locally. The cost of studying is overwhelmingly cheaper and the registration fee is affordable to everyone. Students will also find it to be easier to apply for local scholarships and be offered a place since the government will prioritise and offer aid and support to their own citizens. Furthermore, international students typically find themselves to experience homesickness and culture shock. Some of them will be uncomfortable and extremely emotional without their family members close to them. Moreover, there is a relatively high difficulty of conforming to the local customs and traditions causing them to feel like an outcast which further intensifies the homesickness. As a result, their academic performance and mental health will be affected. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the value of a student’s experience comes down to motivation and attitude. At the end of the day, education is all about instilling knowledge, increasing opportunities and opening the eyes of the young people. The choice to study abroad or locally should be made based on how well an individual can manage oneself.
Education has
been regarded
as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient times. It is

imperative that we invest
in the acquisition of knowledge
in regards to

education to ensure a successful future. The anticipation of going abroad is
a thrilling

the looming anxiety and struggles of setting foot in a foreign land

decide to
to maintain a semblance of certainty in a

familiar environment back home.
, there are
benefits and drawbacks of

either choice.

Going overseas for university
expands a
horizons and provides an enriching,

international experience along with new insights.
are pushed
outside of
their comfort

zone to experience another culture, language, environment and education system. It teaches

students to appreciate the remarkable differences and diversity firsthand
enabling them to

recognize and dismiss stereotypes they may have previously held. By immersing themselves

cultures and
adapting to a new way of life,
are able to become more

confident and independent through

In addition
, studying abroad enhances employment opportunities. The time spent outside your

homeland reflects
on resumes and increases chances of employment with

international and multinational
. It
exhibits a
who is mature,
self motivated
, willing to embrace challenges and able to cope with various problems and situations

which sets them apart from the majority of job applicants. Although there is not much difference

between local and foreign graduates in terms of qualifications, the soft
obtained abroad

will definitely differentiate them.

, at a time of limited federal, state and local budgets and difficult financial choices,

prefer to
. The cost of studying is
cheaper and the

registration fee is affordable to everyone.
find it to be easier to apply for local

scholarships and
be offered
a place since the
and offer aid and

support to their
, international
find themselves to

experience homesickness and culture shock.
of them will be uncomfortable and

emotional without their family members close to them.
, there is a

high difficulty of conforming to the local customs and traditions causing them to feel like an

outcast which
intensifies the homesickness.
As a result
, their academic performance and

mental health will be

In conclusion
, it is worth noting that the value of a
down to

motivation and attitude. At the
of the day, education is all about instilling knowledge,

increasing opportunities and opening the eyes of the young
. The choice to

be made
based on how well an individual can manage oneself.
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IELTS essay Education has been regarded as a ladder of social ascendancy since ancient times. It is therefore imperative that we invest deeply in the acquisition of knowledge in regards to higher education to ensure a successful future. The anticipation of going abroad is certainly a thrilling one but the looming anxiety and struggles of setting foot in a foreign land tells us otherwise.

  American English
10 paragraphs
456 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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