In today’s world, the average temperature is increasing rapidly and global warming is now on our doorstep. The situation becomes more complicated and unpredictable. If the human does not be responsible and take it into account seriously, It will reach an extinction-level and finally put an end to human survival. In terms of technicalities, almost all reasons lead to climate change are self-inflicted by mankind. Populations explosion, deforestation, agro-industrial activities and exhaust fumes from vehicles are accounted for principal problems in rising temperatures. Despite offering many benefits in cooling and refreshing the atmosphere, the mass destruction of trees is happening every second for short-term gain. In practical, there are over 28 million trees are being cut down per hour. The agricultural and industrial developments are simultaneous with environmental degradations by releasing toxic chemical fertilizer, gas emissions from factories and burning of fossil fuels. Besides In today’s world, the average temperature is increasing rapidly and global warming is now on our doorstep. The situation becomes more complicated and unpredictable. If the human does not be responsible and take it into account seriously, It will reach an extinction-level and finally put an end to hu...