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Do you agree/ disagree with the following statement? The increase in automation will lead to people losing their job.

Do you agree/ disagree with the following statement? The increase in automation will lead to people losing their job. XlBaO
There is no consensus on whether we will become unemployed when machines can almost supplant us in a profusion of jobs. From my perspective, I find myself firmly inclined to think that the exponentially developed status of artificial intelligence will inevitably lead to the lack of occupations in ubiquity. This observation is supported by two principal reasons that I will discuss in the following essay. First, robots utterly assume dangerous jobs which take place in some high radiation or air pressure areas. In fact, owing to the appearance of a considerable amount of dire occupational accidents, people commence utilizing robots in their facilities to minimize similar situations. To illustrate, NASA commenced utilizing robots in their Mars exploration campaign instead of astronauts. Without a doubt, a robot’s proficiency can easily withstand the harsh climate on Mars, constantly work without eating and rest, and be infallibly ready to confront any endangerment. Therefore, people tend to take advantage of robots not only to service in hazardous conditions but also to plod away human life’s responsibility. That is why loads of employments which people can undertake is virtually diminished a lot. Second, the robot can serve at a more meticulous but less demanding level. It is apparent that people have to speculate significant quantities of funds on bringing about automatic machines, they, however, can proliferatively expedite their product quality as well as their labor productivity. For example, engines are programmed to sew cloth, and they can straightforwardly complete a hundred products in a short time with the corresponding size, color, and ingenious property, which would spend a week if humans sewed it. Moreover, while machines can produce every day in more than eight hours without any complaint, people always favor requiring more eminent salaries and good welfare benefits even though their performance is insufficient. As a result, In conclusion, I vehemently deem that automation will unavoidably direct to the absence of human occupations in near future. Notwithstanding that people tend to hold a different view on this problem, the fact that acceleration of manufacturing science is explicitly confirming the supersession of mechanization in life.
There is no consensus on whether we will become unemployed when machines can almost supplant us in a profusion of jobs. From my perspective, I find myself
inclined to
that the
developed status of artificial intelligence will
lead to the lack of occupations in ubiquity. This observation
is supported
by two principal reasons that I will discuss in the following essay.

, robots
jobs which take place in
high radiation or air pressure areas. In fact, owing to the appearance of a considerable amount of dire occupational accidents,
commence utilizing robots in their facilities to minimize similar situations. To illustrate, NASA commenced utilizing robots in their Mars exploration campaign
of astronauts. Without a doubt, a robot’s proficiency can
withstand the harsh climate on Mars,
work without eating and rest, and be
ready to confront any endangerment.
tend to take advantage of robots not
to service in hazardous conditions
to plod away human life’s responsibility.
That is
why loads of employments which
can undertake is
diminished a lot.

Second, the robot can serve at a more meticulous
less demanding level. It is apparent that
have to
speculate significant quantities of funds on bringing about automatic machines, they,
, can
expedite their product quality
as well
as their labor productivity.
For example
, engines
are programmed
to sew cloth, and they can
complete a hundred products in a short time with the corresponding size, color, and ingenious property, which would spend a week if humans sewed it.
, while machines can produce every day in more than eight hours without any complaint,
always favor requiring more eminent salaries and
welfare benefits
even though
their performance is insufficient.
As a result

In conclusion
, I
deem that automation will
direct to the absence of human occupations in near future. Notwithstanding that
tend to hold a
view on this problem, the fact that acceleration of manufacturing science is
confirming the supersession of mechanization in life.
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IELTS essay Do you agree/ disagree with the following statement? The increase in automation will lead to people losing their job.

  American English
4 paragraphs
350 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 6.0
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 6.0
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
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