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creative writing: change in perspective

creative writing: change in perspective RWPRp
The blazing midday sun was shining relentlessly on the roofs of the buildings. The roads were shimmering in the sharpest heat. The sky was light blue, you could spy no clouds. The streets were relatively empty: no one would have ever exposed themselves to the weather of a summer morning. All around me, I saw vivid colors, the colors of life. I was there, enjoying the time with my girlfriend, Gloria. We had just woken up. I had slept at her place: her dad was not in town. We felt the freedom of Summer. We were lying in bed while imagining our future life together: when you are only twenty, all you think about is who you will become. Out of the blues, we heard noises. It seemed as if someone was going up the stairs: ” Who is it? Wasn’t your dad away for the entire day? ” “I thought so, probably he got back home. Hide in the wardrobe! ” So I threw myself into that closet: Gloria’s dad couldn’t meet me. He is a renowned lawyer who merely wants the best for his daughter: he wants her to be perfect. Gloria is a gymnast: that day was the day after a remarkable competition. Hence, I hid in the wardrobe with the lights off. I was nestled in a pitch-black cloud, lost in my doubts and fears. With my ears, I could grasp what was happening: Gloria’s dad was actually home and they had just started to talk. He wanted to get to know her gymnastics results. “I got second, dad” “Second, are you joking? After your mum died, I invested all my money in you and your stupid passion. And now, you scrap thousands of money, hours of training in the worst manner possible. You are my biggest disappointment. ” “Dad, if I am such a mortification for you, I’m going to ask you something: have you ever thought about my feelings, have ever taken them into consideration? ” This is what I could hear, this is what was damaging Gloria day after day. I watched tears welling up in her eyes, I watched the embarrassment in her miserable gaze. A loud silence was flooding the room: a silence packed with Gloria’s crunched-up screams, a silence packed with Gloria’s sorrow. In a split second, that split second of intense silence, I began to follow my mind into chaotic thoughts. I could banally pronounce one word, one set of syllables: “why”. Why couldn’t a rude man embrace every uniqueness of his daughter? Why are humans not able to appreciate the immensity of being flawed? Why are we not capable of admiring the light that shines in us? That sketchy light is what makes summer our reality, that sketchy light is what leads us to a bright existence, that sketchy light is what makes us humans.
The blazing midday sun was shining
on the roofs of the buildings. The roads were shimmering in the sharpest heat.
sky was
blue, you could spy no clouds.
streets were
empty: no one would have ever exposed themselves to the weather of a summer morning. All around me, I
vivid colors, the colors of life.

I was there, enjoying the time with my girlfriend, Gloria. We had
woken up. I had slept at her place: her
was not in town. We felt the freedom of Summer. We were lying in bed while imagining our future life together: when you are
twenty, all you
about is who you will become.

Out of the blues, we heard noises. It seemed as if someone was going up the stairs:
Who is it? Wasn’t your
away for the entire day? ” “I
back home.
in the wardrobe! ”
I threw myself into that closet: Gloria’s
me. He is a renowned lawyer who
wants the best for his daughter: he wants her to be perfect. Gloria is a gymnast: that day was the day after a remarkable competition.
, I hid in the wardrobe with the
off. I
was nestled
in a pitch-black cloud, lost in my doubts and fears. With my ears, I could grasp what was happening: Gloria’s
was actually
home and
they had
to talk. He wanted to
to know her gymnastics results. “I
“Second, are you joking? After your mum
, I invested all my money in you and your stupid passion. And
, you scrap thousands of money, hours of training in the worst manner possible. You are my biggest disappointment. ”
, if I am such a mortification for you, I’m going to ask you something: have you ever
about my feelings, have ever taken them into consideration? ”

This is what I could hear, this is what was damaging Gloria day after day. I
tears welling up in her eyes, I
the embarrassment in her miserable gaze. A loud
was flooding the room: a
packed with Gloria’s crunched-up screams, a
packed with Gloria’s sorrow. In a split second, that split second of intense
, I began to follow my mind into chaotic thoughts. I could
pronounce one word, one set of syllables: “why”. Why couldn’t a rude
embrace every uniqueness of his daughter? Why are humans not able to appreciate the immensity of
being flawed
are we not capable of admiring the
that shines in us? That sketchy
is what
summer our reality, that sketchy
is what leads us to a bright existence, that sketchy
is what
us humans.
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IELTS essay creative writing: change in perspective

  American English
4 paragraphs
477 words
Overall Band Score
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?
    One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resource: 5.5
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 5.0
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?
    Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
  • ?
    Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
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