This bar chart shows the money spent on public transport by different age groups every week in Malaysia in the year 2008. After general analysis of data, we can easily say that money spent per week on public transport is mostly used by under the age of 30 and the lowest use by above the age of 75. Admittedly, taxis are the easiest way to transport. The bar chart clearly shows us that in every age group taxis were highest using public transport from the other two. There was a big difference between bus and taxis transport use in 2008. Malaysia has indicated that who were below the age of 65, they spent more than 5.5 RM per week by preferring taxis in the year 2008. Secondly, the Malaysian people much less liked to go by busses and Rails in 2008. The use of rail was steadily decreased from the age of 30 to 75. And the spending money on busses were gradually went down between age of 30 to 75. In conclusion, the bar chart total gives an information analysis of spending money on publi